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Web Resources - Vocabulary
Vocabulary Lists & Exercises | Vocabulary Quizzes & Games | Vocabulary Practice | Vocabulary in the News | Idioms, Slang & Phrasal Verbs | Spelling Help | Developing Vocabulary Study Skills | Learning Synonyms and Antonyms

Vocabulary Lists & Exercises top ^
  • Using English for Academic Purposes - Vocabulary
    There are many word lists on this site, which may be helpful in selecting which vocabulary to learn. Some are:
    - The General Service List (the 5,500 most common English words)
    - The Academic Word List (the 3,000 other most common academic words)
    - Word lists for specific academic subjects.
    To find many vocabulary exercises, go to 'Selection' in the left-hand menu bar, then 'Exercises' at the top of the page, and choose from any of the exercise links. (Academic Word List)

Vocabulary Quizzes & Games top ^
  • Self-Study English Vocabulary Quizzes
    This site has a wide range of quizzes on different vocabulary topics, graded by level of difficulty (easy, medium or difficult).

  • English-at-home
    You can find both informal and formal expressions on this site. There are useful lists of vocabulary under different headings, such as entertainment, emotions, describing people, food and office, etc. There are also examples of the vocabulary in use.

Vocabulary Practice top ^
  • - Vocabulary exercises
    On this site vocabulary is arranged according to more than 20 topics with conversational gap-fill exercises for each one so that you can practice using your new vocabulary in context.

  • Road to IELTS
    This is an IELTS Preparation program subscribed to by HKBU library. There are modules on each of the four skills arranged under topic headings, plus vocabulary development exercises to match each topic.

Vocabulary in the News top ^
  • China Daily Language Tips
    This popular news site is dedicated to helping Chinese students improve their English language through current affairs. It includes selected news stories which you can read and/or listen to, with definitions of difficult vocabulary given. Under 'Words Garden' you can also find lists of words and phrases commonly found in today's news English. - recent news articles - archive stories

Idioms, Slang & Phrasal Verbs top ^
  • Idioms
    This page is good for examples of idiomatic expressions - you can look one up by using an alphabetical index and get a definition and an example of the idiom in context.

  • Idiom Dictionary
    This site contains an alphabetical index of idioms with explanations, examples and pictures to illustrate the examples. Every day a new idiom is featured on the home page, so you can to to the site and learn a new one each day!

  • Phrasal Verb Demon
    This whole site is dedicated to the teaching of phrasal verbs. Go to 'Dictionary' to check out a phrasal verb, 'Quizzes' or 'Games' to test yourself, or click on the 'Listening' link to hear short real-life articles and reports using phrasal verbs, along with vocabulary notes.

  • The Idiom Connection
    On this site you will find explanations of hundreds of idioms organized under topics as well as in alphabetical order. There is a quiz after each section so you can test yourself.

  • Commonly-used American slang
    Over 280 common American slang expressions are introduced and tested on this site, although many of these are common to other English-speaking countries too. It would be helpful for anyone preparing to study or live overseas, especially in America, or sitting a USA-based exam such as TOEFL.

Spelling Help top ^

Developing Vocabulary Study Skills top ^
  • Using English for Academic Purposes - Vocabulary
    This site has many vocabulary lists to help you choose which words to learn. There is also a lot of information on word-building, advice on how to learn vocabulary, and guidance on how to use a dictionary.

Learning Synonyms and Antonyms top ^

The following websites help you enrich your vocabulary by learning synonyms and antonyms.