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Learning Styles | Analyse Your Problems & Needs | Problems & Needs - Pathways | Setting a Study Plan

Learning Styles top ^

Analyse Your Problems & Needs top ^

If you would like to improve a specific skill area, e.g. Listening, Speaking, Writing, Reading, Grammar, or Vocabulary, but are not sure how to improve or how to make a study plan, you can use the worksheets below to help you.

Steps for using the Problems & Needs Pathways

1. Choose any language area listed below, and download and complete the worksheet to analyse your own language problems and needs.

Listening Speaking Writing
Reading Grammar Vocabulary

2. Click on the Problems and needs - Pathways link to find resources suitable to help you with your specific
language problems.
3. If you would like help in writing a study plan, go to Setting a Study Plan to find a "Study Plan sample" and
"Study Plan worksheet".

Problems & Needs - Pathways top ^

Click on a skill area to find resources that will help you improve specific problems in that skill area.

Listening Speaking Writing
Reading Grammar Vocabulary

Setting a Study Plan top ^
  • Study Plan Sample - use this sample as a guide when you are writing your own study plan. (But don't just copy the details! Personalize your plan according to your own language problems and needs.)