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How Good is Your English? | Learning Pathways

This page is designed to help you assess your own English needs and level, and then to guide you to self-study resources that will help you improve.

How Good is Your English? top ^

To learn about your strengths and weaknesses in English, you can use a software programme called ‘Dialang’. It offers self-assessment activities to help you find your current English level and provides a range of feedback and advice on how to improve your skills.

You can test yourself in:

Reading Structure
(= Grammar)
Writing Vocabulary

(The test for each area takes around 30 minutes to complete.)


Steps for using Dialang

  1. Go to Language Learning Oasis (OEM707) or its website
  2. On the software start-up page, choose any one of the skill areas → Dialang Tests
  3. Choose ‘Instructions in English’
  4. Keep clicking on the button (at the top-left-hand corner) until you get to ‘Choose a Test’
  5. Choose the skill area you wish to test
  6. You may be asked to do a Placement Test & Self Assessment before the ‘Dialang Language
    Test’ - if you want to skip these, click on the ‘fast forward button’
  7. When you have finished the test, click on ‘Your Level’ to see your level


Explanations of level scores

C2 (Score: 901 - 1000) Near-Native - A very high score, typical of a native speaker or a person with near-native proficiency.
C1 (Score: 601 - 900) Advanced - People who score at this level are typically advanced learners, with a very substantial vocabulary. Learners at this level are usually fully functional, and have little difficulty with reading, though they may be less good at listening.
B2 (Score: 401 - 600) Upper Intermediate - People who score at this level typically have a good basic vocabulary, but may have difficulty handling material that is intended for native speakers.
B1 (Score: 201 - 400) Intermediate - People who score at this level have a limited vocabulary which may be sufficient for ordinary day-to-day purposes, but probably doesn’t extend to more specialist knowledge of the language.
A2 (Score: 101 - 200) Lower Intermediate - This level indicates a very basic knowledge of the language, probably good enough for tourist purposes or ‘getting by’, but not for managing easily in many situations.
A1 (Score: 0 - 100) Beginner - This level indicates a person who knows a few words, but lacks any systematic knowledge of the basic vocabulary of the language.

Learning Pathways top ^

Click on the level score of your chosen skill below to view the recommended HKBU resources to help you improve that skill:

  Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar Listening
C2 Near-Native
C1 Advanced
B2 Upper Intermediate
B1 Intermediate
A2 Lower Intermediate
A1 Beginner