Test Format & Prep Tips-Speaking


Test Format

  • 3 sections – two-way dialogue with examiner (11-14 minutes)
  • Section 1 – 4-5 mins – Introduction, general questions about yourself
  • Section 2 – 1-2 mins – (1 min prep time) Individual long-turn on a general topic
  • Section 3 – 4-5 mins – Two-way discussion continuing same topic

For further information on the contents of the Speaking module, go to the CityU ELC IELTS site:

For other IELTS information, go to our HKBU SALL Resources on the Web IELTS page.

Examination Hints

In the examination:

  • Make sure your answers are long enough, so that the examiner can assess your real level.
  • Act confident, even if you don’t feel it!
  • If you can’t think of how to express something, don’t break down and stop talking! Instead, say it in a different way or say something else instead. It’s important to keep talking.

Preparation Tips

  • To find out what is expected in the speaking component, and how to get the best grade possible, first work through NetLanguages or Study Skills Success – Speaking Module. They are available both in the Language Learning Oasis, and online.
  • For further practice, go to the other Language Learning Oasis: Excel at Academic English and Road to IELTS. (Please note that in Excel at Academic English ‘Speaking’ Exercises 5 & 6 are outdated – it is best to only do exercises 1 – 4 and 7 – 10).
  • To practise your speaking, try talking on the spot on different topics. Go to the ‘Conversation Questions’ on the SALL Resources on the Web IELTS page. Select a topic, then practise answering a few of the questions. To make it more authentic, you could:
– Time yourself. – Try recording your answers then play yourself back to listen to how you did. – Work with a partner and take turns at one being the examiner and one the student. – Practise ‘circumlocution’ when you are lacking specific vocabulary or don’t know how to express yourself.  (Circumlocution means to explain a word or idea in another way.)
  • Don’t know how to express yourself? To improve your vocabulary and become more fluent:

     – After you have answered the questions, look up the vocabulary you don’t know. Then try talking about the same                               topic again, using your new vocabulary this time.      – It is helpful to read articles on different general topics and base discussions around the information in the articles;you will                 get more ideas for appropriate vocabulary and ways of expressing yourself.

  • Go to any English conversation or discussion groups you can, and make the most of any opportunities you have in your daily life to practise your oral English.

     – For more information on HKBU oral English courses, go to the LC website English courses page.      – The Chaplain’s office at HKBU offers free weekly conversation classes, and a free weekly ‘Language Corner.’

     See HKBU English Language Activities for more information.

HKBU IELTS Speaking Resources

Computer programs in ‘Language Learning Oasis’(OEM707)
 Introductory information and exercises:
  • Study Skills Success (Speaking module)
  • NetLanguages Online IELTS Course (Speaking module)
  • Road to IELTS (select any topic and go to Speaking)
 Introductory information and exercises:
  • Study Skills Success (Speaking module)
  • Road to IELTS (select any topic and go to Speaking)
 For extra practice:
  • IELTS Speaking Section 1
  • Conversation Questions
 To expand your vocabulary for IELTS Speaking:
  • Road to IELTS (select any topic and go to Words)
  • Issues in English 1 (choose level 3 or 4 and any topic, listen to the video then click on the arrow and choose Speaking)
  • Issues in English 2 (choose level 3 or 4 and any topic, listen to the video then choose Pronunciation)
 To expand your vocabulary for IELTS Speaking:
  • Road to IELTS (select any topic and go to Words)

How long before you plan to sit IELTS?