Awards for Outstanding Performance in the IELTS Test

Awards for Outstanding Performance in the IELTS Test 2024-2025

To encourage students to perform well in the IELTS test, HKBU has introduced the Awards for Outstanding Performance in the IELTS Test.

Awards for Outstanding Performance in the IELTS Speaking and/or Writing Test(s)*

IELTS Speaking (Academic Module)
Amount of Awards
IELTS Speaking (Academic Module)
Amount of Awards
$900 book voucher
$900 book voucher
$850 book voucher
$850 book voucher
$800 book voucher
$800 book voucher
$750 book voucher
$750 book voucher

*More than one award may be awarded to a single applicant.

Special Prizes for the Ten Best IELTS Performers#

Awardees receiving the Awards for Outstanding Performance in the IELTS Speaking and/or Writing Test(s) (Academic Module) may also compete for the Special Prizes for the Ten Best IELTS Performers. Applicants who are ranked in the top ten of highest achievers, attaining an overall score of 7.5 or above (i.e. the combined scores of Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking), will receive the following awards:

  • 1st Prize: $1,000 book voucher
  • 2nd Prize: $900 book voucher
  • 3rd – 10th Prize: $800 book voucher
#If there is a tie, a lucky draw will then be held to determine the winners.


Applicants should fulfil ALL of the following criteria:
  1. Be final-year UGC-funded HKBU undergraduate students who have taken the IELTS test between 16 June 2024 and 15 June 2025 AND
  2. Have taken and fulfilled the attendance requirements in at least 15 hours of IELTS Prep Courses offered by the HKBU Language Centre before taking the IELTS test

Application Procedure

 Fill in the Online Application Form and Submit the IELTS Test Report here:

Application Deadline: 30 June 2025

Collection of Awards

Awardees will be notified by email and invited to collect the award(s) in or before November 2025. Please present the student card when collecting the award(s).


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