HKBU IELTS Preparation & Courses Workshops

Regular: Listening & Speaking + Reading & Writing
These courses aim to prepare students of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). With intensive practice of a wide range of exercises, these courses also aim to help students’ overall proficiency as they are encouraged to participate in pair and small group discussions.
Intensive: Speaking + Writing Task 1 + Writing Task 2
 These courses aim to prepare students of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). With intensive practice of a wide range of exercises, these courses also aim to help students’ overall proficiency as they are encouraged to participate in pair and small group discussions.
IELTS Workshops
 The Language Centre will be offering a FREE WORKSHOP for students who have not taken an IELTS course and need to know more information about the IELTS examination. The instructors, David Gardner (Coordinator of the IELTS Preparation Courses) and Jesse O’Reilly, will talk about the 4 modules (listening, speaking, reading and writing), show students some Specimen Papers and provide an opportunity for students to do some selected tasks.