University Core (Putonghua)*

(Applicable to students who admitted to Year 1 of the undergraduate programme in or after the 2018-19 academic year)

This course is mainly designed for students whose native language is not Chinese. It aims to teach the four basic skills of language learning in Chinese: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn how to read the Chinese Pinyin system, as well as how to read and write Chinese characters. In addition, students will learn how to converse in daily life situations, learn how to read simple passages, and learn the basics of grammar, as well as learn how to write simple sentences.

This course is mainly designed for students who are heritage Chinese learners or whose native language is not Chinese but have already had basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. It focuses on all four language skills to further train students to communicate in Mandarin Chinese with greater accuracy and structural complexity. Through multimedia course materials, classroom activities, discussions, and weekly homework and written assignments, students will learn more advanced sentence structures, enlarge their vocabulary, and strengthen their reading and writing skills. The course also intends to deepen students’ knowledge of Chinese Language and Culture by requiring them to read classical Chinese poems, newspapers, magazines, Internet news articles, as well as the origins of Chinese idioms.

* To register for the University Core, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System)
#Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Putonghua General Education Course*

This course is mainly designed for students whose native language is not Chinese. It aims to teach the four basic skills of language learning in Chinese: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn how to read the Chinese Pinyin system, as well as how to read and write Chinese characters. In addition, students will learn how to converse in daily life situations, learn how to read simple passages, and learn the basics of grammar, as well as learn how to write simple sentences.

* To register for the general education course, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System)
#Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Putonghua Credit-bearing Courses*

Eligible courses for fulfilling the Putonghua Requirement for Graduation


This course is designed for students who are beginners in learning Putonghua. The course will then focus on standard Chinese phonetics Pinyin in the first several weeks. Besides Pinyin exercises, the course also aims to enable students to speak and comprehend elementary Putonghua through practice in pronunciation, oral reading, everyday conversations, conversations on specific topics, speaking for specific purposes and listening comprehension. The course will help equip the students with skills in communicating with Putonghua speakers, both in academic and social settings.


This course is designed for students who have basic knowledge of Putonghua Pinyin. The course aims to upgrade students’ speaking and comprehension skills in Putonghua to an intermediate level through practice in speech presentation, oral reading, everyday conversations, discussions and public speeches on specific topics, situational conversations and listening comprehension. Pinyin is used in the course to enhance the accuracy and fluency of the students’ spoken Putonghua. The effectiveness and efficiency of comprehension skills are also emphasized.


The primary objective of this course is to improve students’ Putonghua communication skills. Through tasks such as reading aloud, listening to authentic materials and conversation practice, it aims to enhance the students’ ability to use the spoken language to achieve communicative purposes in different contexts, using the appropriate tone, suitable vocabulary and a variety of sentence patterns. The course also aims to consolidate students’ knowledge and skills in Pinyin, which lays an important foundation for continuous learning.

Prerequisite: LANG1006 Intermediate Putonghua or by consent of the Language Centre


While consolidating what the students have learned in Elementary and Intermediate Putonghua, this course further upgrades their Putonghua proficiency. It consists of two main parts. One covers practices in speech presentation, discussion, situational conversations and speaking on specific topics. The other covers listening comprehension of dialogues, TV news, TV programmes and movies. Students’ spoken Putonghua as well as comprehension will be trained to an advanced level.

Prerequisite: LANG2055 Advanced Putonghua or by consent of the Language Centre


This course aims to upgrade students’ Putonghua proficiency to a level higher than advanced. It consists of two main parts. One covers practices in speech presentation, speaking on specific topics and language project studies. The other covers listening comprehension, and will make good use of multimedia resources of authentic nature, such as TV news, TV programmes and movies. Students are required to take a more active role in their small-group activities. They are also trained to speak correctly and fluently, as well as to grasp meanings of fast-paced authentic speech.

Other courses

This course aims at introducing non-Chinese speakers to the study of Mandarin (locally known as Putonghua) through practices in the basics of the phonetics of modern Chinese. Students who are real beginners to the language will become familiar with the initials, finals, the four basic tones as well as the rules of pinyin. Students will also learn to identify the Chinese basic sentence patterns and expressions and communicate in short dialogues with native speakers.

Prerequisite: LANG1105 Introductory Mandarin for Non-Chinese Speakers

This course is a progression for students who have successfully completed “Introductory Mandarin for Non-Chinese Speakers (Part I)” (LANG1105) in the first semester or those with equivalent prior training. It aims at reinforcing students’ understanding of the phonetic patterns of Mandarin, expand their Chinese vocabulary as well as developing their spoken and listening abilities in Mandarin. Students will be trained through various learning activities and hands-on simulated exercises to use Mandarin for daily conversations.

This course is designed for beginning learners of Cantonese with no prior knowledge of Chinese to develop simple and practical oral skills to deal with daily communication in Cantonese in Hong Kong. Through a functional and communicative approach, students will become familiar with useful vocabulary items and basic daily expressions to converse on simple everyday topics with Cantonese speakers.

Prerequisite: LANG1005 Elementary Putonghua or LANG1026 Practical Putonghua or equivalent

本課程旨在通過不同的商貿語境訓練學生的聆聽與說話能力,擴大他們對與商業活動有關的專業詞彙的認知;提高學生在商貿場合中的普通話口語表達技巧,包括發音的標準及流暢程度、基本專業詞彙和規範語法的運用等。 課程內容主要通過個人短講、小組討論、專題會話和聆聽練習等教學活動,使學生的商貿普通話會話能力及聆聽理解能力達到中級以上的程度。

This course is aimed at helping students to enhance their Putonghua proficiency in the skills of communication through practice in listening, speaking, group discussion and delivering a speech; and to expand their vocabulary which is used in the business environment. The students will gain higher confidence in speaking Putonghua in various business contexts.

Prerequisite: LANG1005 Elementary Putonghua or LANG1026 Practical Putonghua or equivalent


This course is designed for students who have already completed elementary Putonghua training. The course aims to improve students’ oral communication skills in various interpersonal situations. The course content consists of extensive Putonghua listening and speaking exercises specially designed for social and interpersonal interactions. The exercises include oral and written language comparison, Cantonese and Putonghua comparison, public speaking as well as various role-playing speaking exercises.

Prerequisite: LANG1005 Elementary Putonghua or LANG1026 Practical Putonghua or equivalent


This course is designed to enhance students’ Putonghua language skills on the basis of the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the elementary Putonghua course. The course consists of two parts: the first part is to enable students to learn the different types and modes of Putonghua art performance; to analyse and review the linguistic characteristics and artistic style of Putonghua performing art; and to appreciate a variety of Putonghua performing art (such as recitation, pattering, Chinese comic dialogue and opusculum). The second part is to enhance students’ oral ability and communication skills in Putonghua through recitation, storytelling, drama and other teaching activities.

Prerequisite: LANG1005 Elementary Putonghua or LANG1026 Practical Putonghua or equivalent


This course is designed to help students to enhance their ability to pronounce and speak in Putonghua, to improve their communication skills and deliver a public speech effectively in various settings. The students will learn how to speak with confidence in Putonghua with clearly defined purposes, and to practice public presentations to targeted audiences.

* To register for the general education course, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System)
#Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment
@ Students who have completed either LANG1005 Elementary Putonghua (which focuses on Pinyin in the first few weeks) or LANG1026                  Practical Putonghua (which focuses on communication skills) are eligible to enroll in intermediate courses.
^ Starting from 2018-19, students’ results in this course would be excluded from GPA calculation.    

Putonghua Supplementary Courses (Non Credit-bearing Courses) **

工作坊簡介: 本工作坊為以粵語為母語並有興趣了解、參與普通話朗誦表演的同學而設。內容將通過發聲、字音、語氣及表演練習等糾正同學的普通話發音,提升同學的普通話表達能力。
工作坊簡介: 本工作坊為以普通話為母語,並喜愛普通話朗誦表演的同學而設。內容將通過發聲、繞口令、語氣及表演練習等糾正同學的普通話發音,提升同學對朗誦作品的表達能力及對觀眾的感染力。


  1. 掌握基本的聲、韻、調知識及拼寫規則
  2. 通過練習掌握難聲母和難韻母的發音
  3. 重點糾正課文中易錯字音



  1. 通過辨音掌握詞語的正確讀音
  2. 熟悉拼寫規則,正確譯寫詞語
  3. 熟練拼讀及拼寫課本中的難點詞語



1. 了解基本的朗誦技巧;
2. 改善普通話發音;
3. 運用工作坊中的練習方法,更好地朗誦、表現普通話作品。


This workshop is designed for beginning learners. It introduces Chinese Pinyin, essential Chinese characters, vocabulary and basic Chinese expressions in a friendly, supportive and relaxing atmosphere.

Are you about to travel to China? Are you a fan of Chinese food, culture or history?
Learn Mandarin Chinese in this workshop for beginners. Discover Chinese culture and basic Mandarin Chinese through varied activities which include reading, writing and speaking Mandarin.

Topics include:

  • Greeting and introducing yourself
  • Talking about numbers, dates and time
  • Going shopping and bargaining
  • Ordering food, making requests and paying bills
  • Communicating with Mandarin speakers in travel related situations (e.g. asking directions and places)





​This course is designed for students whose native language is not Chinese. The course will focus on both Hanyu Pinyin and Chinese characters. Besides introducing the Mandarin phonetics system, the course also aims to enable students to speak and comprehend basic Chinese through practice in pronunciation, oral reading, everyday conversation and listening comprehension. Students are also required to recognize the Chinese characters used in the course textbook. The course will help equip students with skills in communicating with Mandarin Chinese speakers.
This course is designed for students who have finished Mandarin for Beginners (I) (Part 1) or who have some basic knowledge of Mandarin phonetics (initials, finals and the four tones as well as the rules of Hanyu Pinyin). Students will continue to practice pronunciation, oral reading, everyday conversation and listening comprehension in the course. They are also required to read and write Chinese characters in assignments. The course will help equip students with skills in communicating with Mandarin Chinese speakers.​
This course is designed for students whose native language is not Chinese. They should have finished Mandarin for Beginners (I) (Part 2) or at the same level, which they are expected to have knowledge of Chinese including Pinyin system and recognition of 500 characters. It aims at learning Chinese Mandarin reading comprehension and upgrading students’ skills in speaking and writing. The classes per week are devoted to conversation (dialogues), reading comprehension, grammar and writing.
The course is designed for non-Chinese speaking students who have finished Mandarin for Beginners (II) (Part 1) or with similar level of Mandarin. Students are expected having basic knowledge of Mandarin Hanyu Pinyin system and recognizing more than 500 characters. Besides aiming at studying speaking/conversation(dialogues), listening, reading comprehension and writing /grammar, the course also introduces Chinese culture including classical Chinese poems as a supplementary learning.


  1. 詞語朗讀訓練;
  2. 詞彙、語法常見問題講解及訓練;
  3. 朗讀篇章的基本知識及朗讀訓練;
  4. 命題說話的技巧及命題說話練習。



  1. 朗讀時的正確語調與節奏;
  2. 說話時的正確語調與節奏;
  3. 朗讀篇章的精讀訓練;
  4. 命題說話的模擬訓練。


普通話教師語文能力評核預備課程供準備應考普通話教師語文能力評核 (基準試) 的教師或準教師修讀。課程內容包括: 語音強化訓練、聆聽與認辨訓練和口語訓練。

*凡獲大學教育資助委員會資助(UGC-funded)之本科生及研究生,均可報讀各類課程(Supplementary Courses)及參加各項免費輔導。
** 關於本學期無學分課程的開學詳情,請登入網上報名系統查閱。
^ 為普通話能力畢業要求指定課程之一

獲大學教育資助委員會資助(UGC-funded)之同學,如出席率達到 85% 或以上及指定考試及格,可於截止日期前申請學費退還