University Core (Chinese)*

(Applicable to students who admitted to Year 1 of the undergraduate programme in or after the 2018-19 academic year)


單元一:(1) 句子結構分析;(2) 書寫清通語段;(3) 辨識文辭正誤。
單元二:(1) 說明名篇賞析;(2) 說明方法及應用;(3) 撰寫說明篇章。
單元三:(1) 議論名篇賞析;(2) 議論方法及應用;(3) 撰寫議論篇章。

This course comprises three teaching and learning units: (1) Essence of written expression; (2) Expository reading and writing; (3) Argumentative reading and writing. 

Unit 1: (1) Analysing Chinese sentence structure; (2) Producing concise writing pieces; (3) Identifying ungrammatical expressions.
Unit 2: (1) Analysing selected expository masterpieces; (2) Applying expository techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing an advanced expository essay.
Unit 3: (1) Analysing selected argumentative masterpieces; (2) Applying argumentative techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing an advanced argumentative essay.


單元一: (1) 漢字和成語的文化內涵;(2) 漢字的結構及運用;(3) 成語的特質及應用。
單元二: (1) 說明名篇賞析;(2) 說明方法及應用;(3) 撰寫說明篇章。
單元三: (1) 議論名篇賞析;(2) 議論方法及應用;(3) 撰寫議論篇章。

This course comprises three teaching and learning units: (1) Basic Chinese language knowledge; (2) Expository essay reading and writing; (3) Argumentative essay reading and writing. The objectives of each unit are:

Unit 1: (1) Understanding the cultural content of Chinese characters and idioms; (2) Chinese characters: structure analysis and usage; (3) Chinese idioms: characteristics and application.
Unit 2: (1) Analyzing selected expository masterpieces; (2) Applying expository techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing expository essays.
Unit 3: (1) Analyzing selected argumentative masterpieces; (2) Applying argumentative techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing argumentative essays.

* To register for the University Core, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System) #Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Chinese General Education Courses *

This course is an interdisciplinary course offered by History Department and Language Centre. This course combines oral history skills with advanced Chinese narrative and reporting writing skills. It integrates theory and practice, such as key concepts and methodologies in oral history and ethnographic studies, strategy of narrative and investigation theory in Chinese storytelling and writing, interview preparation and reporting. As an interdisciplinary course, it would lead students to compare and contrast the two disciplines (history and literary) and integrate the methods and perspectives. The course also invites guest speakers such as social workers or professional trainers from NGOs, to teach students how to communicate with the elderly. Students will design and implement a Creative Community Service-learning Project to serve the elderly and society in Hong Kong or Mainland China.

This course provides students with an opportunity to reach out to the elderly in the community. It aims to reinvent and innovate the tradition of storytelling and listening as students take down stories narrated by the older generation, preserving the culture and memories of a generation with words, and inheriting the wisdom and experiences passed down to them. Through these oral records, the students are able to understand the community identity of different groups of people and have a glimpse of the collective memories of generations before. This will enable them to have a better understanding of their community and learn from the life experiences of people from diverse backgrounds. The course will also cultivate the social awareness and sense of social responsibility of students by connecting them with people from all walks of life in their community. Students will write an individual online journals about their service-learning experiences in this course and reflect on how they connect between the service users, the trainers and social Others and the world around them. Finally, students will produce a Chinese booklet/multimedia output (e.g., a few pages of leaflet/a 5 minutes video), as a gift to those seniors, which record their personal history, collective memory and self-identity of the service users. The course ultimately improves the students’ ability to solve problems, communicate and work together as a team as they put into practice what they have learnt by serving the community.


單元一:(1) 句子結構分析;(2) 書寫清通語段;(3) 辨識文辭正誤。
單元二:(1) 說明名篇賞析;(2) 說明方法及應用;(3) 撰寫說明篇章。
單元三:(1) 議論名篇賞析;(2) 議論方法及應用;(3) 撰寫議論篇章。

This course comprises three teaching and learning units: (1) Essence of written expression; (2) Expository reading and writing; (3) Argumentative reading and writing. 

Unit 1: (1) Analysing Chinese sentence structure; (2) Producing concise writing pieces; (3) Identifying ungrammatical expressions.
Unit 2: (1) Analysing selected expository masterpieces; (2) Applying expository techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing an advanced expository essay.
Unit 3: (1) Analysing selected argumentative masterpieces; (2) Applying argumentative techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing an advanced argumentative essay.


單元一: (1) 漢字和成語的文化內涵;(2) 漢字的結構及運用;(3) 成語的特質及應用。
單元二: (1) 說明名篇賞析;(2) 說明方法及應用;(3) 撰寫說明篇章。
單元三: (1) 議論名篇賞析;(2) 議論方法及應用;(3) 撰寫議論篇章。

This course comprises three teaching and learning units: (1) Basic Chinese language knowledge; (2) Expository essay reading and writing; (3) Argumentative essay reading and writing. The objectives of each unit are:

Unit 1: (1) Understanding the cultural content of Chinese characters and idioms; (2) Chinese characters: structure analysis and usage; (3) Chinese idioms: characteristics and application.
Unit 2: (1) Analyzing selected expository masterpieces; (2) Applying expository techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing expository essays.
Unit 3: (1) Analyzing selected argumentative masterpieces; (2) Applying argumentative techniques in verbal expressions; (3) Writing argumentative essays.

* To register for general education courses, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System)
#Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Chinese Credit-bearing Courses*


This course aims to develop students’ greater interest and ability in creative writing. A variety of creative works will be covered and students are encouraged and helped to write creatively in modern Chinese. The course will adopt teaching methodologies that ensure ample student-student and student-teacher interactions.


This course is intended for Mandarin-speaking Chinese students who have no prior knowledge of Cantonese. Through listening, reading and speaking drills, students will acquire the basic skills for communication in Cantonese in Hong Kong. This course is conducted mainly in Cantonese and teaching materials are printed in traditional Chinese characters.

The course is designed for beginning learners of Cantonese who do not speak Chinese as a native language, with an emphasis on pronunciations. Cantonese phonology based on the Yale Romanization System, and basic vocabulary and sentence structures will be taught. By the end of the course, students will be able to grasp foundation characteristics about the Cantonese sound system, make pronunciations with the aid of phonetic transcriptions, speak simple words and short phrases, and understand brief and slow-paced Cantonese conversations on fundamental issues of living and communication, such as greeting and introduction, numbers and time, roaming around the city, shopping, food and dining, etc.

This course is designed for students who have completed Foundation Cantonese I. In addition to training pronunciations, vocabulary for daily communication and elementary grammar usage will also be taught. By the end of the course, students will be able to gain more comprehensive knowledge about Cantonese phonology and its colloquial variations, make generally correct pronunciations with the aid of phonetic transcriptions, use longer phrases and basic sentence structures for expressing simple ideas, and understand slow-paced Cantonese conversations on fundamental issues of living and communication, such as dating and gathering, weather, medicine and illness, leisure, travelling, etc.


This course aims at enhancing general language abilities and developing basic creative writing skills through in-depth study and appreciation of literary masterpieces (or excerpts), including classical and contemporary works written in or translated into Chinese.

先修科目: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 大學中文
Prerequisite: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 University Chinese


This course is designed to help students to acquire and apply advanced knowledge and techniques for the refinement of their Chinese writing skills at the word, phrase and sentence levels, to further enhance and enrich their written expression.

先修科目: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 大學中文
Prerequisite: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 University Chinese


This course aims to provide students with systematic and comprehensive training in Chinese writing for business and public administration. With emphasis on both the theoretical and practical aspects, the course focuses on enhancing the writing and presentation skills of the students, so as to better equip them for their future jobs.

先修科目: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 大學中文
Prerequisite: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 University Chinese


This course aims at enhancing the students’ Chinese writing and speaking skills through the analysis and practice of speech writing, followed by an oral presentation, argumentative writing and documentary writing.

先修科目: LANG1025 應用粵語
Prerequisite: LANG1025 Applied Cantonese

This course is a progression for students who have completed LANG1025 and is intended for Mandarin-speaking Chinese students who have attained an elementary level of spoken Cantonese. Through more in-depth analyses of Cantonese phonology and pragmatic usage, supplemented with further training in listening and speaking, students will become more proficient in comprehending and speaking Cantonese with an enhanced awareness of diverse communication settings and further develop the ability to engage in self-regulated learning, as well as identify and correct commonly made errors in Cantonese.


Language use is an integral part of communication throughout our lives. Effective language interpretation, expression and communication are key elements in whole person education. Based on this understanding, this course aims to equip students with Chinese linguistic knowledge and analytical skills that are essential for becoming citizens who are competent in critical thinking and can communicate effectively and professionally. Examples of language data from the Internet, media and other sources from daily life will be incorporated into the course so as to make students become familiar with Chinese language use in authentic contexts and improve their ability to interpret and analyze pragmatic issues. Students will also be guided to apply stylistic functions and communication theories in writing and daily conversations so as to enhance the effectiveness of their communication.

本課程旨在讓學生掌握香港語言文化的源流、演變及發展概況,使學生能夠: 一) 認識香港社會上使用語文的情況與相關的問題; 二) 運用語言學理論,分析香港社會的語文使用問題; 三) 掌握香港語言發展的規律,強化語言運用能力; 四) 以客觀科學的態度分析香港語言文化的變遷; 五) 增進以中文傳意的能力,切合將來工作需要,配合社會需求。

Focusing on language use in Hong Kong from a historical perspective, this course aims to help students identify and analyze issues and problems of Chinese language use with the use of linguistic theories as well as enhance their language proficiency through exploring developments in language use in Hong Kong. In addition to developing their Chinese language communication skills, students will study the evolution of language and culture by analyzing them in the context of Hong Kong.


The course is designed to guide students in the world of Hong Kong literature through the study of literary works, creative writing practice, and cultural experiences. By examining the unique features of Hong Kong literature within its societal context, students will contemplate the connection between place and culture, leading to the creation of their own literary works inspired by Hong Kong.


This course is designed to enhance students’ proficiency in both oral and written Chinese communication. Through a practice-oriented teaching approach, including case analysis, simulated social interactions, and genre-based practical writing and evaluation tasks, students will master the art of utilizing Chinese language for professional communication, and gain insights into language usage in Mainland China and Hong Kong, effectively catering to the diverse communication needs of the evolving workplace landscape.

先修科目: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 大學中文
Prerequisite: UCLC1005 / GCLA1005 University Chinese


This course aims to further enrich students’ knowledge of the cultural characteristics, historical development, study methods and communicative functions of Chinese language through in-depth reading of selected essays and thematic projects.


Via various creative strategies that embody ample student-student and student-teacher interactions, this course emphasizes exposure to, and deep learning in, the best poetry in modern Chinese, aiming to develop students’ appreciation of, and writing ability in, this genre in the course of becoming poets and/or regular readers.


This course is an intermediate course in modern and contemporary Chinese theatre and drama through theatrical improvisation and appreciation of performances, studies in modern and contemporary plays, and writing theatre reviews and stage scripts, with the simultaneous goal of developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of the students.

* To register for credit-bearing courses, please go to AR (Academic Registry) – BUniPort (University Cyber Port System)
#Note: 1. Please refer to the lists on the BUniPort for the courses offered during the Semester.  2. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Chinese Supplementary Courses / Workshops (Non Credit-bearing Courses / Workshops)**

This course aims at raising students’ confidence in using Cantonese when eating out.

By the end of the course, students should be able to : (1) hold a short conversation in Cantonese when ordering food (2) name common Chinese food items (eg. BBQ pork, pineapple buns) in Cantonese (3) use superlative and comparative adjectives in Cantonese

Medium of Instruction: English (supplemented with Cantonese)

Target Students: International exchange students and Putonghua-speaking students

This course aims at raising students’ confidence in using Cantonese when travelling around Hong Kong.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Converse with public transport operators by using expressions (eg. Get off at the next stop) which are commonly used when getting around Hong Kong
  • Ask for directions in basic Cantonese
  • Name various modes of transport, popular local tourist spots and major landmarks in Cantonese

Medium of Instruction: English (supplemented with Cantonese)

Target Students: International exchange students and Putonghua-speaking students

由2003年1月起,公務員入職條件中有關語文能力的要求將會提高,學位或專業程度公務員職位的申請者,在申請職位前,必須在綜合招聘考試(第一部分)中的兩份語文試卷(中文運用和英文運用)考獲及格成績。 本講座專為幫助同學應考上述中文運用試而設。


– 充分了解考試的重點和寫作要求;
– 掌握論說類文章的寫作策略和方法;
– 提高應考的信心和臨場寫作的效率。

報讀資格:所有由大學教育資助委員會資助 (UGC-funded) 的同學均可修讀。



本課程專為以粵語為母語的同學而設,旨在改進學員的粵語發音。內容主要針對五個常見的發音問題 (懶音),進行辨析,並通過課上練習,提高學員的辨音及發音能力。



本課程專為準備應考職前中文試(例如政府「綜合招聘考試」Common Recruitment Examination)之同學而設。課程旨在提高同學辨識及運用中文字詞句之能力,以及準確閱讀及理解篇章內容之技巧。課程設有自學網站,配合課堂教學內容,提供大量強化練習和模擬測試,幫助同學應用所學,提高答題效率。


1. 辨識常用字詞及成語熟語的正誤
2. 辨識常用繁簡對應字
3. 辨識各類常見病句
4. 排列正確句序
5. 提取段旨及分析例證
6. 理解並提取篇章內容要點
7. 應考並通過相關的職前中文考試
8. 提高語文知識水平



1. 硬筆書法基礎概念
2. 漢字的筆劃和筆順
3. 正楷書法的形體、比例和結體特徵
4. 常見毛病舉隅


1. 課堂講解
2. 即時實踐
3. 書法練習


1. 寫更好的硬筆正楷書法
2. 更了解繁體字筆劃、筆順與書法的關係


1. 為不諳中國書法的學生,介紹書法的基本概念及知識。
2. 幫助學員從中國書寫藝術的專注學習中,減輕生活壓力,並能進一步提高個人的藝術修養。

1. 毛筆:執筆、運筆法。
2. 字體:結構原理、構成規律。
3. 隸書:概述、簡介。
4. 碑帖:臨帖方法、書寫練習。
5. 應用:減壓、揮春、藝術修養。

1. 課堂講解。
2. 課堂、課後書寫練習。

1. 準確掌握執筆、運筆法,以及隸書、其他字體之結構原理。
2. 於日常生活中應用所學,寫出中國書法的作品

專題單元:(1) 互相問好;(2) 工作假期;(3) 交通工具;(4) 天氣預報;(5) 購物之樂。





目的: 本課程專為「非粵語母語學生」而設,教導粵語生活會話,協助學生融入香港地道生活。
內容: 課程以專題形式設計,教導學生粵語生活用語、情景會話、交際技巧等,也會探討粵、普說話差異,以及粵語發音特色。
專題單元: (1) 美食天堂; (2) 路在口邊; (3) 病向淺中醫; (4) 體育運動; (5) 粵語流行曲。
對象: 非粵語母語學生(不諳或初學粵語者)*
授課語言: 中文(粵語及普通話)




  • 對粵語演說有興趣的同學
  • 想加強粵語演說技巧的同學
  • 想改善人際關係的同學
  • 在宴會、會議等場合做司儀的同學



  • 懂得做好公開演說的準備
  • 掌握「粵語公眾演說」的基本技巧
  • 更有信心地以粵語演說或溝通


本課程專為準備應考政府「聯合招聘考試」(Joint Recruitment Examination) 中文寫作部分的同學而設,通過課堂講解和寫作練習,幫助同學充分了解聯合招聘考試的要求,掌握寫作技巧和策略,提升應試能力。


1 清楚說明爭議性議題之特質
2 分析各類爭議性議題之內容及其癥結所在
3 理清思路,確立個人立場和理據
4 撰寫觀點清晰,理據充足,組織嚴密,行文流暢的文章





* 凡獲大學教育資助委員會資助(UGC-funded)之本科生及研究生,均可報讀各類無學分課程(Supplementary Courses)及參加各項免費輔導。
** 關於本學期無學分課程的開課詳情,請登入網上報名系統查閱。

1. 修畢無學分課程的同學,可於截止日期前申請證書
2. 獲大學教育資助委員會資助(UGC-funded)之同學,如修讀無學分中文、英文或普通話課程且出席率達到 85% 或以上,可於截止日期前申請退還學費