PhD in Applied Linguistics (Lancaster)
M.A. in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) (Sydney)
Postgrat Dip in Applied Linguistics (Beijing UST)
Email: yxli@hkbu.edu.hk
Telephone: 3411 7497
Seeing students grow, not only cognitively, but also socially, emotionally and most important of all, morally, is extremely rewarding. I believe our mission as a teacher is to instill in the young mind of our students the right values, equip them with necessary skills, and inspire their quest for knowledge so that they will become responsible, capable, respectable and happy citizens. What they do and how they do it in the society will always be guided by their moral compass. As a teacher, we are in a particularly advantageous position to influence them. We can make it happen.
Understanding how rhetorical choices made by writers to (or failing to) achieve desired effects has always been fascinating to me. This understanding enables me to gain insights into how different facets of language achieve persuasion, present logic and project identities at textual, interactional and cultural levels. I am particularly interested in such achievement, presentation and projection in academic writings of both experienced and novice writers. My research interests are hence in the teaching and learning of academic writing, contrastive rhetoric, discourse analysis and disciplinary identity.
Donor-supported Project
Professional Services
Credit courses
Language Enhancement programme (LEP) (Coordinator 2013-2016)
LEP Non-credit courses
Other courses / programmes