Dr HO Tan Pang, Stanley (何丹鵬)


PhD in Chinese Language and Literature (CUHK)
MPhil in Chinese Language and Literature (CUHK)
BA (First Class) in Chinese Language and Literature (CUHK)

電話:3411 5902


I have a comprehensive and solid academic profession in the field of Chinese Language and Literature, specializing in philology, phonology and dialectology. Trained as a theoretical linguist, I have applied my academic skills to teaching Chinese and Cantonese both as first and second languages for over a decade. Drawing on profound experience in language pedagogy and curriculum (re)development, I have engaged in the creation and coordination of various programmes/projects at under- and post-graduate levels, across various self- and publicly-funded institutions of higher education, including HKBU, HKSYU, HKUST, etc. I also actively get involved in scholarly research in Chinese and Cantonese linguistic studies as well as international academic conferences to maintain quality publications and keep abreast of latest developments.


  • Phonology & Dialectology
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language Contact & Acquisition
  • Chinese Language & Writing
  • Cantonese Studies
  • Poetry & Prose Recitation


  1. 《香港公開大學田家炳中華文化中心通訊》(總第7期) (客席編輯),2021年3月。
  2. 〈早期語料庫分析在當代詞典編纂的應用──以粵語「埋」的歷時演變及現代釋義為例〉(Using corpus-based findings from early linguistic materials in contemporary lexicography: Implications from the historical development and modern lexicographic definitions of [mai11] (埋) in Cantonese),譚國根、梁慕靈、黃自鴻主編《數碼時代的中國人文學科研究》(2018年8月,台北:秀威資訊科技股份有限公司),頁247-269。
  3. 〈普通話輕聲的感知差別及其對教學的啟示〉(Perceptual variations of the neutral tone in Mandarin Chinese and their implications for teaching Putonghua),趙菁、劉現強主編《漢語國際教育背景下的普通話教學研究》(2018年1月,北京:北京語言大學出版社),頁98-107。
  4. 〈普粵介詞短語差異的韻律語法分析〉(An account of differences between Mandarin and Cantonese prepositional phrases from the perspective of Prosodic Syntax),馮勝利主編《漢語韻律語法新探》(2015年4月,上海:中西書局),頁272-289。
  5. 〈廣西龍勝伶話的使用現狀及其語音特點〉(Current conditions and phonological characteristics of Linghua in Longsheng, Guangxi),《文化遺產》第3期(2011年7月),頁138-147。


  1. 〈十九世紀傳教士出版中文報刊所見的粵語譯名──以《遐邇貫珍》為例〉(19th-Century Cantonese Loanwords in Missionary Chinese Newspapers: A case study of Chinese Serial),「跨粵──跨領域粵語書寫研究國際研討會」,香港中文大學。(3/2023)
  2. “Features and Variations of Early 20th-century Cantonese: A case study of Wang Ching-wei’s radio recordings”, 25th International Conference on Yue Dialects, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (12/2021)
  3. “The Early Cantonese apical rime: Myth or reality?”, The 5th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics, The Ohio State University. (4/2020)
  4. “Needs analysis and structural design: HKBU experience of developing Cantonese Minor Programme for Non-Chinese speaking students”, International Symposium on Teaching Cantonese as a Second Language, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (10/2019)
  5. Is Pinghua a Yue dialect? Comparing unique developments of the Middle Chinese initials Bang and Duan as well as Jing series, The 52nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, The University of Sydney. (6/2019)
  6. 〈桂北平話從、邪母今讀的類型與分佈〉(Classification and geographical distribution of modern pronunciations of two Middle Chinese initial consonants in Pinghua in northern Guangxi),第二十三屆國際粵方言研討會,廣州暨南大學。(12/2018)
  7. 〈桂北平話古全濁聲母今讀的歷史層次與地理分佈〉(Historical strata and geographical distribution of modern pronunciations of Middle-Chinese Quanzhuo series of syllable initials in Pinghua in northern Guangxi),2018漢語方言類型研討會,華東師範大學。(8/2018)
  8. 〈王炳耀《拼音字譜》與《粵東正音拼切分韻》──兼談清末粵語的正音與方音以及音系研究的完善〉(Pinyin Zipu and Yuedong Zhengyin Pinqie Fenyun by Wang Bingyao: Cantonese pronunciations and the optimization of standard Cantonese phonology during the late Qing period),第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會,香港教育大學。(12/2017)
  9. 〈從馬禮遜語言著作三種看十九世紀初粵語的 *ɵ *y *ɵy〉(The rhymes *ɵ *y *ɵy of early 19th-century Cantonese in three linguistic works by Robert Morrison)(合著),第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會,香港教育大學。(12/2017)
  10. “On integrating database resources and blended learning activities: The development of an innovative and interactive Online Assessment Tool cum Personalized Learning Platform for Cantonese acquisition”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Symposium, Hong Kong Baptist University. (8/2017)
  11. 〈如何「講」?怎樣「話」?──論面向粵語教學的粵語研究〉(Distinguishing between gong2 and waa6: Language teaching oriented research in Cantonese),香港語言學學會第十七屆粵語討論會,香港浸會大學。(4/2017)
  12. 〈香港粵語[ɪ]、[ʊ]元音音值的實驗分析〉(An experimental study of vowel qualities of [ɪ] and [ʊ] in Hong Kong Cantonese)(合著),第二十屆國際粵方言研討會,香港中文大學。(12/2015)


  1. “Theories and applications of Chinese grammar” (漢語語法分析理論與應用), School of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University. (11/2022)
  2. “Embracing autonomy and consistency: An innovative framework proposed for C2 Chinese Curriculum”; “Attributes of peer assessment/review: Reflecting interpersonal competence”, Summer End of Year Event for Celebrating Growth and Scholarship, Center for Language Education, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. (8/2021)
  3. “From Cantonese to Kongtonese” (粵變有趣), Book Culture Club, Library, Hong Kong Baptist University. (2/2019)
  4. “Engaging learners with stimulation and interaction: Experience from Quizlet applications”, E-Learning Workshop 2018, Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (8/2018)
  5. “Contrastive analysis for learning and teaching designs of Cantonese” (對比分析與粵語教學設計), The 11th Inter-institutional Sharing Session on Chinese Teaching in Hong Kong Tertiary Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. (4/2018)
  6. “Common methods of grammatical analysis in modern Chinese” (現代漢語常見的語法分析), School of Arts and Social Sciences, Open University of Hong Kong. (11/2016)
  7. “The Art and Skills of Recitation” (朗誦藝術與技巧), Language Enhancement Programme, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (2/2016)
  8. “Ambiguous structures in Chinese and their analyses” (漢語的歧義現象及其分析方法), School of Arts and Social Sciences, Open University of Hong Kong. (12/2015)


  1. “Secondary Chinese Language Knowledge Enrichment Series: Proper Cantonese Pronunciation” (中學中國語文知識增益系列:粵語正音工作坊), Education Bureau. (2014-2018)
  2. “Primary Chinese Language Knowledge Enrichment Series: Proper Cantonese Pronunciation” (小學中國語文知識增益系列:粵語正音工作坊), Education Bureau. (2016, 2018)
  3. “Induction Course for New Teachers (Kindergarten)”, Education Bureau & Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre. (2012-2015, 2019-2020)


  1. Programme Management Committee Member of Language Centre
  2. Coordinator for Staff Development Seminars
  3. Coordinator, Cantonese Minor Programme for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students
  4. Coordinator, Cantonese Speaking Enhancement Service
  5. Coordinator, Cantonese Recitation Competition粵語朗誦比賽
  6. Member, International Research Advisors Scheme
  7. Member, Social Committee of Language Centre
  8. Adjudicator, Cantonese Public Speaking Contest粵語即席演說比賽
  9. Coordinator, Non-credit-bearing supplementary Cantonese courses / library learning workshops (9/2016 – 8/2020)
  10. Coordinator, Library liaison & LC resource room (9/2015 – 8/2020)
  11. Coordinator (2017 – 2020) & Assistant Coordinator (2015 – 2016), Inter-institutional Sharing Session on Chinese Teaching in Hong Kong Tertiary Education大專中文教學交流會
  12. Assistant Coordinator, Language Enhancement Programme (Chinese) (9/2016 – 8/2020)
  13. Member, Teaching and Learning Research Project Team for Language Centre (8/2019 – 8/2020)
  14. Assistant Coordinator, Chinese Language Support and Research Programme for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students in Hong Kong香港非華語學生中文學與教支援及研究計劃 (9/2016 – 11/2017)
  15. Organizing Member, University Chinese Idiom Competition大學成語縱橫挑戰賽 (2016 – 2018)
  16. Organizing Member, Secondary School Idiom Competition香港校際成語邀請賽 (2015)


  1. Oral Examiner for Putonghua, Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
  2. 香港中華基督教青年會、香港學術及藝術協會「全港學界朗誦節2019」粵語組決賽評判 (2019)
  3. 香港中華總商會、香港中華基督教青年會「嶺南文化匯西九暨全港學界朗誦節2018」粵語組初賽、決賽評判 (2018)
  4. 香港中華基督教青年會石硤尾會所、香港學術及藝術協會「2017全港學界朗誦節」粵語組決賽評判 (2017)
  5. Hong Kong Senior Secondary Students Putonghua Public Speech Competition 2017 – First Competition, The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture, Hang Seng Management College. (7/2016)
  6. Examiner, “Cantonese Pronunciation Test”, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (2011-2015)
  7. 粵語正音推廣協會「學界粵語正音大賽」(第九至十一屆)決賽評判 (2012-2014)