Staff Publications and Conference Presentations in 2021

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • Chan, M. & Benati, A. (Eds.). (forthcoming in June 2021). Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives. New York: Springer.
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Sept. 21). Review of Defying The Dragon : Hong Kong and the World’s Largest Dictatorship. Hong Kong Review of Books
  • Zhang, H. E. (2021, Jul. 09). “ Stood up: China’s century of broken promises ”. MercatorNet
  • Chan, M. (forthcoming in June 2021). Perception of local English teachers and Cantonese ESL students towards learning and pedagogy of English articles. In M. Chan & A. Benati (Eds.), Challenges Encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives. New York: Springer.
  • (Chen, J., Chan, C., Man, V., & Tsang, E.) [Book chapter] Helping students from different disciplines with final year/capstone project: Supervisors’ and students’ needs and requests. English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University Press.
  • Lin, Y., Chen, M., & Flowerdew, J. (2021). ‘Same, Same but Different’: Representations of Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong People in the Press in Post-1997 Hong Kong. Critical Discourse Studies, 1-20.
  • Ngai, S.B., & Singh, R.G. (2021).Operationalizing genuineness in CSR communication for public engagement on social media. Public Relations Review, 47(5).
  • Wang, Q., Ngai, S.B., & Singh, R.G. (2021). A Discursive Analysis of Crisis Response Strategies in CEO Apologies—Drawing on Linguistic Insights from the Appraisal Framework. Management Communication Quarterly, 35,602-622. doi:10.1177/08933189211012009
  • Zhang, H. E. (2021, May 17). “Does China’s Covid-19 success show that democracy has passed its use-by date?”. MercatorNet
  • Zhang, H. E. (2021, Mar. 02). Dissected by Theory: A Review of C.T. Au’s The Hong Kong Modernism of Leung Ping-kwanCha: An Asian Literary Journal,
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Jan. 10). Review of China: In Life’s ForegroundHong Kong Review of Books
  • Ho, S. K., Chan, H., Chan , E. S.-S., Fung, K. K., & Hung, S. S. L. (2021). A preliminary psychometric investigation of a Chinese version of the Engaged Teachers Scale (C-ETS). Frontiers in Education, 6(208). Doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.676835.
  • Chan, H., Li, Y. X., Chen, H. C., Wong, W. L., & Deng, L. P. (2021). Poetry e-Corpus ‘The Blue Sparrow’. Funded by the Innovation and Technology Bureau [ITB/FBL/5021/19/P], HKSAR Government.
  • Song, Y, Huang, Z., Schuldt, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (2021). National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK, and China. Journalism. [SSCI]
  • 吳學忠〈現代香港小說中的日本人形象—以「中國學生周報」和「香港文學」為例〉,文章載《國際言語文學》第四十八號,韓國國際言語文學會,2021年4月,頁113-140。
  • 吳學忠〈「大學中文」線上線下混合式教學實踐與反思〉,文章載《第十一屆國際漢語電腦教學研討會論文集》,美國哈佛大學,2021年5月,頁69-75。
  • 朱少璋《璞社談藝錄》(編訂) (香港:匯智出版社,2021年6月)206頁
  • 朱少璋《粵劇藝壇感舊錄》(編訂) (香港:商務印書館,2021年7月)806頁
  • 朱少璋〈岳陽蜃樓記〉,載《香港文學》2021年1月第433期,頁14-15
  • 朱少璋〈侶倫「故人之思」事證〉,載《方圓》(香港:香港文學館,2021)頁129-138
  • 朱少璋〈麥嘯霞二三事〉,載《明報》C4世紀版,2021年5月8日
  • 朱少璋〈周夢蝶有1/8春天留在香港〉,載《明報》C4世紀版,2021年5月22日
  • 朱少璋〈牛眼和西西〉,載《明報》C4世紀版,2021年8月7日
  • 朱少璋〈還珠與離散〉,載《明報》星期日生活版,2021年8月15日
  • 朱少璋〈由「嗾犬厲之」到「心嚮往之」〉,載《城市文藝》2021年8月第113期,頁46-47
  • 朱少璋〈談老豆、老竇、老頭的一筆糊塗帳〉,載《明報》C6世紀版,2021年9月8日
  • 朱少璋〈土瓜灣外傳〉,載《字花》第93期,2021年9月,頁144-148
  • 朱少璋〈過路與拂石〉,載《明報》「流城對睹」,2021年10月3日
  • 朱少璋〈周棄子渡海前諸作〉,載《風雅傳承——民初以來舊體文學論集》(第二輯)(香港:中文大學中文系,2021)頁393-400
  • 朱少璋〈余光中和西西的「希臘」〉,載《明報》C4世紀版,2021年10月23日
  • 朱少璋〈小思老師和梳乎厘〉,《明報》「語文同樂」第535期(2021年11月5日)
  • 朱少璋〈肉食者言〉,《明報》星期日生活,2021年11月21日

Conference Presentations

  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Dec. 9). Globalizing the Classroom with Virtual Exchange. Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning. University of Southeast Asia, The Philippines. 
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Nov. 30). Globalizing the Classroom with Virtual Exchange.  16th E-learning Forum Asia 2021. Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia
  • Chan. M. (2021, November). Research into second language acquisition: dissemination of results and impact (a talk for colleagues of the Centre for Language Education and students of the MAILE programme), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 18 November, 2021.
  • (P. Lai, J. Chen, V. Man). Development of an AI-assisted platform to address learning and assessment needs of virtual presentations in English for Chinese students. eLearning Forum Asia, Nov 3-Dec 1, 2021.
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Oct. 22). After arrival: Representations of immigration in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival (2011) and Cicada (2018).  Reflexionen über The Arrival Online Symposium. University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Li, C. (2021). A Collaborative Instructional Approach to English in the Discipline in Higher Education: a case from Hong Kong. The 25th PAAL international online conference.  August 20, 2021 via Zoom.
  • Chan, M. (2021, August). Teaching business English to meet the current trends of global business communication, Symposium ESP in Higher Education in Hong Kong – Teaching Practices and New Trends, Hong Kong Baptist University, 5 August, 2021.”
  • (C. Chan, E. Tsang, V. Man, C. Davis, & C. Chan) [Panel Discussion] on WAC mobile app for ESL learners: Rationale, successes and challenges. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Colorado State University, Aug 4-7, 2021. 
  • Chan, M. (2021, July). Pedagogy of business English to meet new trends of professional communication. Invited featured talk at Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) 29th International Conference, 23– 25 July 2021, Malaysia
  • Chan, H. (2021). Teaching English poetry through an app: Initial evaluation of student teachers’ skills and competence. Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching 2021 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2021), 7–9 July 2021 (via Zoom), The Education University of Hong Kong.
  • Chen, M. & Liu, T. (2021a). Learning English academic writing at university: A longitudinal learner corpus study in Hong Kong. International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching 2021 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2021). 7- 9 July, The Education University of Hong Kong [online], Hong Kong SAR.
  • Leung, M.S.C.; Kong, L.S.P.; Poon, B. S.W.; Tsang, A. M. C. & Zhang, H.E. (2021, Jul. 06).  Student-centred Learning (SCL) Still Matters: Practices for remote and mixed-mode contexts. Teaching and Learning Conference 2021AdvanceHE. U.K.
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Jun. 11). Implementation of virtual exchange and student participation, Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, HKBU SCE Annual Research Symposium 2021.
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Jun. 08). Flood Myths and Domination: A comparison of the flood myths in Chinese and Abrahamic traditions. Myths in the ancient and modern world, II. International Symposium & Exhibition on Mythology, Ardahan UniversityArdahan, Turkey.
  • (J. Chen, G. Lim, J. Lai, C. Chan, A, Ng, C. Davis, E. Tsang, V. Man) [Colloquium] English across the curriculum: A 5-university story. The 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, May 20-21, 2021.”
  • (J. Chen, V. Man, C. Chan, E. Tsang, C. Davis, & G. Luk) [Colloquium] The appeals and challenges of developing a discipline-related writing support mobile app. The 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, May 20-21, 2021.
  • Chen, M. & Liu, T. (2021b). Building a longitudinal and cross-sectional corpus of academic writing by Hong Kong university students. The 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum. 20-21 May, Hong Kong Polytechnic University [online], Hong Kong SAR.
  • Chen, M. & Liu, T. (2021c). EAP writing across disciplines: A cross-sectional Hong Kong learner corpus study. BALEAP Conference 2021. 5-10 April, University of Glasgow [online], Glasgow, UK.
  • Law, E. (2021, April 14). Re-examining Self-Access Language Learning in the context of today. Presented at a joint HKCPD and AHKLC event via ZOOM.
  • Law, E. & Della Pietra, J. (2021, March 22). Current State of Self-Access Language Learning in Hong Kong Universities. Presented at the Hong Kong Association of Self-Access Learning Development (HASALD) via Zoom.
  • Chen, M. (2021). Using corpora to improve academic writing for senior secondary and university students. How to Help Hong Kong Students Discover English 2021 online workshop series. 23 February, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
  • Chan, M. (2021, February). Communicative needs of Chinese professionals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 28th KOTESOL International Conference Re-envisioning ELT Altogether, All Together, 19-28 February 2021, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2021, February). Essay Writing (a workshop for students taking the course GFVM 1037: Ideologies, World Views And Modern History). Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, 22 February, 2021.
  • Chan, M. (2021, February). Communicative needs of Chinese professionals in nowadays local workplace in Hong Kong and pedagogical implications. Paper presented at the 28th KOTESOL International Conference Re-envisioning ELT Altogether, All Together, 19-28 February 2021, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Li, C. & Wong, L. (2021). Effectiveness of a Peer Tutoring Programme on Academic Writing in Higher Education. The 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching- Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning. February 5-7, 2021 via Zoom
  • Chan, M. (2021, January). Spoken challenges faced By Chinese professionals communicating in the workplace. Paper presented at The HKCPD Hub International Conference 2020 for University English Teachers, 8-10 January 2021, Hong Kong.
  • (C. Chan, V. Man, G. Lim, J. Lai, & E. Tsang) Writing practices in science and engineering undergraduate research: How to improve support for FYP students. The HKCPD Conference, Jan 8-10, 2021.
  • Li, C, Della-Pietra, J. & Wong, L. (2021). Discrepancies in perceived challenges in English writing: do they matter? Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development Hub (HKCPD Hub) Conference – Higher education best practices-English teaching and learning in Hong Kong. The University of Hong Kong. January 7-9, 2021 via Zoom
  • Zhang, H.E. (2021, Jan. 8). “Enhance Language Learning and Cross-cultural Exchange through Virtual Exchange”. Continuing Professional Development International Conference 2021, HKCPD Hub.
  • Lung Kit, Y, “Flooding of Lust – A Review of ‘Norweigian Wood'”, the 12th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021, the International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo, Japan, 24th May 2021.
  • 余龍傑參加〈香港散文視角舉隅〉,現代散文知識的革新,復旦大學,上海,2021年11月20日。
  • 陳遠秀參加粵港澳高校中文聯盟主辦、香港中文大學中國文化研究所吳多泰中國語文研究中心協辦的「第二十五屆國際粵方言研討會」,發表論文「語體缺位與詞彙更替—以香港粵語表人名詞為例」(2021年12月18日至19日,線上報告)。
  • 陳遠秀參加由國際漢語應用寫作學主辦的「國際漢語應用寫作學會第十五屆學術研討會」,發表論文「中港臺颱風報告語言比較淺析」(2021年10月29日至31日,線上報告)。
  • 麥樹堅參加屯門天主教中學作家講座「屯門‧書寫」(2021)
  • 吳學忠參加香港專業教育學院主辦「教育論壇︰數碼時代的大專中文教學」,發表演講︰〈浸會大學核心課程「大學中文」混合式教學實踐述要〉,2021年6月25日。