Staff Publications and Conference Presentations in 2015


  • Chan, M. (2015). 《職場英語2: 知錯能改》[Common errors in workplace English]. Hong Kong: World Publishing.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). “Semantic Processing: Access, Ambiguity, and Metaphor” In William S-Y Wang and Chaofen Sun (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 666-675.
  • Chang, Yuchun, Chien-Jer Charles Lin and Ahrens, Kathleen (2015) “Conventionalization of Lexical Meanings and the Role of Metaphoricity: Processing of Metaphorical Polysemy Using a Cross-modal Lexical Priming Task” Language and Linguistics, 16(4): 587-614.
  • Skorczynska Sznajder, Hanna and Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). “A Corpus-based Study of Metaphor Signaling Variations in Three Genres” Text and Talk, 35(3): 359-381.
  • Chew, Kheng-Suan (2015). “Money Talks: English Language Use by Bank Employees in Hong Kong” Kindle Direct Publishing, pp. 1-430.
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2015). 〈井邊閒話〉(散文),載《香港文學》(香港),(2015年9月第366期),頁42-43。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2015). 〈百衲〉(散文),載《明藝》(香港),(2015年10月17日第46期),《明報》D6版。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2015). 〈姓杜的真多情〉(散文),載《城市文藝》(香港),(2015年10月第79期),頁47-49。
  • Ngai, S.B. Cindy & Singh, Rita Gill. (2015) “Using Dialectics to Build Leader-Stakeholder Relationships: An Exploratory Study on Relational Dialectics in Chinese Corporate Leaders’ Web-Based Messages” International Journal of Business Communication, pp. 1-27.
  • Chan, M. (2015). Language learner autonomy and learning contract: A case study of language majors of a university in Hong Kong. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics5, 147-180. doi:10.4236/ojml.2015. 52013

Conference Presentations

  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). Co-presented a paper entitled “Changes on the Use of JOURNEY Metaphors in American Presidential Speeches” with Chan Wing-shan. Presentation at the 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13) held from 20-25 July 2015 in Northumbria University, Newcastle, England.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Crafting the Perfect Pitch” at Writers and Illustrators Conference held from 3-5 June 2015 in Asian Festival of Children’s Content, Singapore.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Writing Bilingual Picture Books” at Writers and Illustrators Conference held from 3-5 June 2015 in Asian Festival of Children’s Content, Singapore.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2015). Co-presented a paper entitled “A Lexical Frequency and Collocational Approach to Conceptual Metaphor Modeling” with Paul Yu-Jun Chang. Presentation at The CKIP Anniversary Workshop on Chinese Lexicon held on 2 April 2015 in Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Using e-Learning Materials to Enhance Students’ Discipline Specific English” at the 22nd International Conference on Learning held from 9-11 July 2015 at Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain.
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Developing Students English Literacy Skills for Their Study in Academic Disciplines” at the European Conference on Language Learning held from 1-2 July 2015 in Thistle Brighton, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom.
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Supporting and Developing Students’ English Literacy Practices in the Disciplines” at the Faces of English: Theory, Practice and Pedagogy Conference held on 11 June 2015 at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2015). Presented a paper entitled “English Literacy in Disciplines” at the 4th International Conference on Education held on 27 June 2015 at St. Petersburg Christian University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2015)。 〈因情定體:談詩歌創作情與體的配合〉公開演說發表於香港浸會大學璞社詩藝所舉辦的座談會上,2015年1月25日。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2015)。 〈散文的可能〉公開演說發表於尖沙咀商務印書館,2015年1月18日。
  • Ng, Angela (2015). Presented a paper entitled “Let the Language Teachers Deal with It” at the International Conference on the Development of English Across the Curriculum held from 14-15 December 2015 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Ng, Angela (2015). Co-presented a paper entitled “The Impact of Peer-tutoring in a University Language Classroom” with Lau, P. at the Lilly International Spring Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning held from 28-31 May 2015 at Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
  • Singh, Rita (2015). Co-presented a paper entitled “Developing a Thematic Categorization System for Corporate Leaders’ Web-based Communication in Greater China” with Ngai Sing Bik, Cindy. Presentation at the CCI Conference on Corporate Communication held from 2-5 June 2015 in Baruch College, City University of New York, New York, USA.
  • Singh, Rita (2015). Received the Best Theoretical Paper Award at the CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2015.
  • 鄭蕾 (Zheng Lei) (2015)。Presented a paper entitled “五零、六零年代香港報刊中的存在主義 —– 一種「大眾文化」的解讀” at The 10th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong: Hong Kong, Asia and Alternative Modernities, ASAHK held on 15 March 2015 at Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong.
  • 鄭蕾 (Zheng Lei) (2015)。論文〈「現代主義」或是「先鋒派」?——以溫健騮為例〉發表於香港教育學院人文學院、文學及文化學系、流行文化與人文學研究中心及香港樹仁大學歷史系聯合籌辦的 「香港史」國際學術研討會」,2015年4月11日。
  • Chan, M. (2015, September). Persuasive writing at workplace: A corpus linguistic approach. Paper presented at 2015 ALAK International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2015, June). L2 acquisition of tense and aspect by Cantonese and Mandarin ESL learners of different proficiency. Paper presented at Changing English: Integrating cognitive, social & typological perspectives, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Chan, M. (2015, January). Processing instruction and learning of tense [Conference session]. 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICAH), Honolulu, Hawaii.