Staff Publications and Conference Presentations in 2014


盧瑋鑾、熊志琴 (Hung C..K.) 聯合編著( 2014)。《香港文化眾聲道——第一冊》,香港:三聯書店有限公司 (2014年7月),共285頁。

朱少璋( 2014)。《梅花帳》,香港:汇智出版有限公司 (2014年11月),共209頁。

  • Chan, M. (2014). Acquisition of ‘be’ by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications. Peter Lang.
  • Cheng, W., Chan, M., Chiu, H., Kwok, A., Lam, K. H., Lam, K. M. K., Lim, G., & Wright, R. (2014). Enhancing students’ professional competence and generic qualities through writing in English across the curriculum. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2014) “Incorporating Pop Songs and Culture into Teaching of English to Motivate Learners” Studies on Teaching and Learning, Vol 3: 91-106. Pearson Publishing, Hong Kong.
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。《人鼻牛鼻雜錄》(散文集),載《百家文學雜誌》(香港),(2014年12月第35期),頁4-5。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。《〈任劍輝與薛馬桂白——以任氏參演的戲曲電影為例〉,載《任劍輝研究學報》(香港),(2014年11月第2期),頁62-68。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。〈從《李後主》看任劍輝「背上有戲」〉,載《任劍輝研究學報》(香港),(2014年11月第2期),頁76-85。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。 《梅花帳》(散文集),香港:匯智出版社 (2014年11月),共209頁。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。〈鄉音六記〉(散文),載《香港文學》(香港),(2014年10月第358期),頁48-49。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。〈大象孤兒院〉(散文),載《城市文藝》(香港),(2014年10月第73期),頁19-20。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。〈梅花帳〉(散文),載《百家文學雜誌》(香港),(2014年10月第34期),頁29-30。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。〈年輕的重量〉(散文),載《明藝》(香港),(2014年11月15日第46期)。
  • 朱少璋 (Chu C.S.) (2014)。 〈李聖華譯介愛倫坡詩——兼談“Annabel Lee”的幾個早期中譯本〉,載《城市文藝》(香港),(2014年8月第72期),頁58-62。
  • 何成邦 (Ho S.B) (2014)。〈“大學中文”教學歷程述要〉,載《中國語文通訊》,(2014年第93卷,第2期),頁61-68。
  • Lu, Dan-huai (2014) “Code-mixing and Its Impact on Language Competence” International Journal of Language Studies, 8(2): 75-90.
  • Lu, Dan-huai (2014). 〈文學語言對二語水平的作用初探〉,載《外語與翻譯》,(2014年第1期),頁62-69。
  • Ngai, S.B. Cindy & Singh, Rita Gill. (2014) “Communication with Stakeholders through Corporate Web Sites: An Exploratory Study on the CEO Messages of Major Corporations in Greater China” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 28(3): 1-43.
  • 唐睿 (Tong, Yui) (2014)。 《亞細亞狂人》的跨國族同理心,載《杭州師范大學學報(社會科學版)》,(2014年12月第6期),頁78-83。
  • Chan, M. (2014). Communicative needs in the workplace and curriculum development of business English courses. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly77(4), 376-408. doi: 10.1177/2329490614545987

Conference Presentations

  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Co-presented a paper entitled “From Comparable Corpora to Divergent Views: Metaphorical Representations of REFERENDUM in Two Taiwan Newspapers” with Duann, Ren-feng and Chu-ren Huang. Presentation at The First Symposium of Sino-UK School of Corpus Linguistics held from 13-18 December 2014 in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Presented a talk entitled “Writing Intensive: Your Character, Your World” at the 22nd Fall SCBWI Carolinas Conference held from 19 – 21 September 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolinas.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Presented a talk entitled “Deep Point-of-View” at the 22nd Fall SCBWI Carolinas Conference held from 19 – 21 September 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolinas.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Presented a paper entitled “Developing Characters Through Figurative Language” at Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) 2014: Writers and Illustrators Conference held from 30 May – 4 June 2014 in National Library Building, Singapore.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Co-presented a paper entitled “Conceptual Models as Instantiated in PRC Speeches Concerning Taiwan” with Chang, Paul Yu-Chun. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM 10) held from 20-23 June 2014 in University of Cagliari, Italy.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Co-presented a paper entitled “When Frequent Senses are not Activated: Processing of Metaphorical Polysemy Using a Cross-modal Lexical Priming Task” with Chang, Paul Yu-Chun and Charles Lin. Presentation at the 7th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 2014) held from 3-4 May 2014 in National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014) . Co-presented a paper entitled “A Corpus-based Study of Face: Returning to Linguistic Forms” with Chung, Siaw-Fong. Presentation at the 7th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 2014) held from 3-4 May 2014 in National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
  • Ahrens, Kathleen (2014). Co-presented a paper entitled “Corpus Approach to the Exploration of Lexical Meaning Generation: The Case of 門men2 ‘door’” with Duann, Ren-feng and Siaw-Fong Chung. Presentation at the Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014) held from 7 to 8 March 2014 in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Bankowski, Elizabeth (2014). Presented a paper entitled “Real English through YouTube” at the International Conference of Applied Modern Languages’ Conference held from 16 to 18 May 2014 at The University of South East Europe, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Li, Cissy (2014). presented a paper entitled “Our Students are Illogical! – Exploring Students’ Misuse of Logical Connectors at Hong Kong Tertiary Level” at The Writing Roundtable – Innovations in Developing Writers Beyond the Language Classroom held on 26 May 2014 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Mushkat, Lara (2014). Presented a paper entitled “The Use of Visual Aids in Year 1 of a University English Course” at the ELTU Conference 2014 held on 5 June 2014 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Yui, Tong (2014). Presented a paper entitled “Le Panorama du théâtre contemporain à Hong Kong et les oeuvres d’Edward LAM” at Théâtres de langues chinoises perspectives contemporaines RECHERCHES CROISÉES held on 18 December 2014 at l’Institut d’Histoire de l’Art & Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre, Paris, France.
  • Yui, Tong (2014). Presented a paper entitled “The Intellectual in the New Era: The Intellectual and the Left-wing in Wumingshu” at Globalization and Localization of the Red: Twentieth-century Russian Soviet and East Asian Leftist Literature and Art held on 6 June 2014 at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  • Chan, M. (2014, August). Processing instruction and teaching and learning of tense [Conference session]. 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Brisbane, Australia.