Mr. FAN Ho Yin, Jacky

Part-time Lecturer, Japanese Section

MA (PolyU)

Tel: 3411 5849
Office: OEE805(J)

Research Interests

Transitivity of Japanese Verbs

Current & Previous Positions

  • Visiting Lecturer – (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )
  • Language Instructor – (The Japanese Language Courses)
  • Part-time Instructor – (Lingnan University, Institute of Further Education)
  • Visiting Lecturer – (Hong Kong Community College (HKCC)
  • Language Instructor – (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCS))
  • Teaching Assistant (Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK)

Selected Publications or Creative Works

Journal Articles

  • 樊浩然「日中下位分類による漢語動詞の誤用分析 (Error analysis of Sino-Japanese Verbs based on subclassification of Japanese-Chinese)」、日本学刊第14号,2011
  • Jacky Ho-Yin Fan, Ross D. Murch and Wai Ho Mow, “Near Maximum Likelihood Detection Schemes for Wireless MIMO Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.3, No.5, Sept. 2004, pp.1247-1430.
  • Jacky Ho-Yin Fan, Ross D. Murch and Wai Ho Mow, “A Sub-Optimum MLD Detection Scheme for Wireless MIMO Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Advances in Wireless Communications (ISWC’02), Victoria, B.C., Canada, Sept. 23-24, 2002.
  • Jacky Ho-Yin Fan, Wai Ho Mow, and Ross D. Murch “MLSE Equalizer Structures for Space-Time Coding in Frequency Selective Channel”, Proc. 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Lisboa, Portugal, Sept. 15-18, 2002.

Courses Taught

  • SUPJ1010 – Japanese 1A
  • SUPJ1020 – Japanese 1B