Dr. Kathy LEE

Lecturer I

PhD in Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK
MPhil in Applied English Linguistics, CUHK
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (English), CUHK
BA in English, CUHK
MCIL, Institute of Linguists, UK
MIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Telephone: 3411 2745
Office: OEM902(D)


Kathy has been teaching students of a variety of levels and academic disciplines subjects of Communication, English and Linguistics in different tertiary institutions for many years prior to joining the Language Centre.


  • Multimodality
  • Gesture
  • Metaphor
  • Discourse analysis
  • Early literacy


  • Lee, K. K. M. (June, 2018). The Use of Metaphors in an EAL IT Lecture. Presented at The 12th conference of RaAM – the Association of Researching and Applying Metaphor, Hong Kong.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (August, 2011). Visual and Gesture as Resources in Tertiary Science Classroom. Presented at the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (July 2010). Conflicts and Accommodation in Code-switching in Hong Kong Science Classrooms. Presented at The 5th Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Lancaster, UK.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (July 2009). Metaphors as Linguistic and Non-linguistic Resource in Tertiary Science Classrooms. Presented at The 4th Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Lancaster, UK.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (December 2008). Multimodality in Hong Kong Tertiary Science Classrooms. Presented at The Inaugural Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP and Professional Communication
    Association, Hong Kong.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (July 2008). Code Switching in Hong Kong Tertiary Science Classrooms. Presented at The 3nd Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Lancaster, UK.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (July 2007). The Use of Blogs in Improving Students’ Writing. Presented at BAAL Sig Conference, Lancaster, UK.

  • Lee, K. K. M. (June 2004). Sociocultural Adaptation of Native English-speaking Teachers in Hong Kong Secondary Schools. Presented at The 2004 Korean Association of Teachers of English (KATE) International Conference.


  • Using Environmental Print to Enhance Emergent Literacy in Chinese and English: A Case Study of the Low Socio-economic Status (SES) Local and New Arrivals from the Mainland Kindergarten Students in Hong Kong (CPCE Teaching Research/ Excellence Fund 2021/22) (PI)

  • IELTS Writing Test Preparation, Language Learners’ Motivation and Autonomy of Associate Degree Students: A Longitudinal Multiple Case Study (CPCE Research Fund 2021/22) (Co-PI)

  • A Comparison of the Ability of Chinese-speaking and Non-Chinese-speaking Kindergarten Students in Hong Kong to Decipher Chinese and English Environmental Print (CPCE Research Fund 2020/21) (PI)