Dr. CHAN Hang, Joshua

Associate Head, Senior Lecturer, Section Head (English)

2014 – PhD in Education (University of Cambridge, UK)
2006 – Postgraduate Diploma in Education (The University of Hong Kong, HK)
2005 – MSc in Applied Ling and Second Lang Acquisition (University of Oxford, UK)
2003 – BA in Teaching English as a second language (1st Hon.) (City University of Hong Kong)

Telephone: 3411 7268
Office: OEE1007


Joshua H. Chan, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the English Section of the Language Centre. His research interests are in the areas of teaching pedagogy, technology-enhanced language learning and special education needs (SEN). His projects include a GRF, a SCOLAR and an FBL project, which are based on research and community-engagement grants offered by different departments of the HKSAR Government. Recently, he is researching the interfaces between technology, poetry learning and online teaching.


  • Materials development
  • Teaching Pedagogy
  • Special educational needs


  • Chan, H. (2023). Ideating task-based designs for special education learners. TESOL Journal, 00, e711.
  • Choi, T. H., & Chan, H. (2023). Moving forward with TESOL materials development: Introducing the special issue. TESOL Journal.
  • Chan, H. (2022). Adapting the task-based methodology for learners with intellectual disabilities: Five key facets for consideration. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 00, 1– 17.
  • Ho, S. K., Chan, H., Chan , E. S.-S., Fung, K. K., & Hung, S. S. L. (2021). A preliminary psychometric investigation of a Chinese version of the Engaged Teachers Scale (C-ETS). Frontiers in Education, 6(208). Doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.676835.
  • [Creative Publication] Chan, H., Li, Y. X., Chen, H. C., Wong, W. L., & Deng, L. P. (2021). Poetry e-Corpus ‘The Blue Sparrow’. Funded by the Innovation and Technology Bureau [ITB/FBL/5021/19/P], HKSAR Government.
  • Chan, H. (2020). A corpus-based approach to comparing English textbook pedagogies: The case of Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China. Pedagogies: An International Journal (by Taylor & Francis), DOI: 10.1080/1554480X.2020.1763799.
  • Chan, H. & Cheuk, H. N. J. (2020): Revisiting the notion of ESL: A corpus-based analysis of English textbook instructional language, Ampersand (by Elsevier), DOI:
  • Chan, H. (2019). Using pitch and length information to assess speech prosody: A parallel approach. English Teaching & Learning (by Springer). DOI:10.1007/s42321-018-0017-1.
  • Chan, H. (2017). Effects of pushed production of single words and multiword patterns on L2 oral fluency: Some evidence from temporal measurements. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL).
  • Kwan, B.S.C., and Chan, H. (2014). An investigation of source use in the results and the closing sections of empirical articles in Information Systems: In search of a functional-semantic citation typology for pedagogical purposes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 14, 29-47.
  • Kwan, B.S.C., Chan, H. and Lam, C. (2012). Evaluating prior scholarship in literature reviews of research articles: A comparative study of practices in two research paradigms. English for Specific Purposes, 31 (3), 188-201.


  • Chan, H., Ooi, C. W. C. & Kwong, K. Y. (2022, 2 June). Task design for SEN students. Sharing seminar presented as part of the SCOLAR Project.

  • Chan, H. (2021). Teaching English poetry through an app: Initial evaluation of student teachers’ skills and competence. Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching 2021 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2021), 7–9 July 2021 (via Zoom), The Education University of Hong Kong.

  • Chan, H., & Cheuk, H. N. (2020). Technology and poetry: Pathway to designing an English App. Paper presented at a sharing session, as part of the project Language enhancement at EdUHK and beyond: Fostering a Community of Practice on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching, funded by the Communities of Practice (CoP) fund, 20 November 2020 (viz Zoom), The Education University of Hong Kong.

  • Chan, H. (2019). Task-Based English Lessons for Students with Special Educational Needs: From an Explorative Attempt to an Embolden Heart. Paper presented in the 2019 EDUC Symposium (12 October), Hong Kong Baptist University.

  • Chan, H. (2019). Workshop on “Enhancing the professional competence in learning and teaching of English in special schools for students with intellectual disability (ID)”. Sharing presented at the Sharing session of the project ‘Provision of advisory service for enhancing learning and teaching of English language for students with intellectual disabilities in special schools’ (Reference #: EDBCDSENQ&T20l 8017) (10 April 2019 at HKBU), for Special Education Needs Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government.

  • Chan, H. (2019). Workshop on “English lessons for students with intellectual disability – Tasks and pedagogy (KS3)”. Sharing presented at the Sharing session of the project ‘Provision of advisory service for enhancing learning and teaching of English language for students with intellectual disabilities in special schools’ (Reference #: EDBCDSENQ&T20l 8017) (4 July 2019 at HKBU), for Special Education Needs Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government.

  • Chan, H., Li, Y. X. C., & Choi, T. H. (2019). Sowing in the field: Mentoring through teacher alumni in a community of practice for English language education. Paper presented at the 6th International Language in Focus (LIF) Conference Language, Research, and Teaching in the 21st Century (2–4 May 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • Chan, H. (2018). Proposing a method for quantifying speech prosody: Some insights from a singing workshop. Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018, 18–19 May, Hanyang University, Korea.

  • Choi, T. H., Chan, H. & Au, K. H. (2018). Teacher preparation through alumni talks in a community of practice. 2018 Oxford Education Research Symposium, 30 July–1 August, University of Oxford, UK.

  • Chan, H. (2016). Assessing learners’ awareness in a multiword approach: What did they notice about what they learnt? 13th International Conference of the Association of Language Awareness, 19–22 July 2016, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria.


Internal Grants

  • Communities of Practice COP (as Co-I, with Choi, T. H., & Li, C. X. Y.) No: CoP/1718/01. A head start on teacher professional learning through alumni mentorship. Funded by the COP fund from the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning of HKBU. HKD 500,000 (01/11/2017–31/08/2019).
    Key focus: Development of ELT pedagogy through a learning community

  • TDG (as Co-I, with Chen, H. C., Choi, W. C., Lin Y. Y. & Tian, J. X. (from EdUHK)). Development of a flipped corpus-aided spoken English training platform for Chinese learners of English. Funded by the Teaching Development Fund of EDUHK. HKD 330,000 (01/12/2020–31/05/2022).
    Key focus: Constructing a corpus-aided spoken English training platform

  • TDG (as Co-I, with Lau, C. S., & Tang, K. Y.) No.: TDG/1718/05. Enhancing the effectiveness of the cross-border study for student teachers’ professional development. Funded by the Teaching Development Grant from Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning of HKBU. HKD 200,000 (01/03/2018–28/02/2019).
    Key focus: Teachers’ professional development via exchange programmes

External Grants

  • School-based Support Grant from St Edwards’s Catholic Primary School (with Wong, W. Y., & Hung, S.) (09/2022–06/2023)
    Key focus: English teaching pedagogy development

  • ITB/FBL (as PI, with Li, Y. X., Chen, H. C., Wong, W. L., & Deng, L. P.) No: ITB/FBL/5021/19/P. A multi-modal speaking app that introduces primary school pupils to the world of English poetry and intonation. Funded by Fund for Better Living, under Innovation and Technology Bureau, HKSAR Government. HKD 2,999,200 (01/12/2019–30/11/2022).
    Government website:
    Key focus: Constructing a self-access e-poetry corpus and development of online pedagogy

  • SCOLAR (as PI, with Choi, T.H.) No: 2122-45. Adapting task-based pedagogy for students with special educational needs: Training, practising and validation. Funded by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), under Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. HKD 895,660 (01/08/2021–31/07/2023; 24 months).
    Key focus: Development of pedagogy through the Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach

  • GRF (as PI) No: 12606221 Investigating the eye-voice relationship for intonation training: A two-part eye-tracking study. Funded by the General Research Fund (GRF) under Research Grants Council, HKSAR Government. HKD 651,760 (01/01/2022–30/06/2024; 30 months).
    Key focus: Reading and speaking

  • EDB grant (as Co-I, with Wong, W. Y., & Lai, K. H.) No: EDBCDSENQ&T2018017. Provision of advisory service for enhancing learning and teaching of English language for students with intellectual disabilities in special schools. Funded by Special Education Needs Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. HKD 512,486 (21/11/2018–31/08/2019)
    Key focus: Teachers’ professional knowledge through the Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach

  • IELTS 2018 (as Co-I, with Wong, Simpson W. L., & Chow, Bonnie W. Y.). Connected speech in IELTS Listening and Speaking tests: Types, amount and level of difficulties. IELTS Joint-funded research programme 2018. Pound Sterling £19,777.34.
    Key focus: Listening and speaking

  • Faculty Research Grant (as PI, with Ho, S. K., & Li, K. W.) No: FRG2/14-15/091. A data-driven corpus-aided analysis of formulaic patterns in textbooks for learners of different educational contexts. Funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences of HKBU. HKD 98,900 (01/08/2015–01/02/2018)
    Key focus: Textbook vocabulary


  • Guest editor (with Choi, T. H) for the 2022 special issue of TESOL Journal entitled “Moving forward with TESOL Materials Development”.