Mr CHAU Chi Wai Andrew

Lecturer I (Japanese)

MA in the field of Linguistics (HKU)
BA (Double majors in English Language and Linguistics, and Japanese Studies) (HKU)

Tel: 3411 8240
Office: RRS620


Cantonese linguistics, English linguistics, Japanese linguistics, Korean linguistics, theoretical linguistics, language typology, contrastive linguistics, teaching Cantonese as a second/foreign language


Credit courses
  • JPSE1005 Japanese I
  • JPSE1006 Japanese II
  • JPSE2005 Japanese III
  • JPSE2006 Japanese IV
  • JPSE3005 Japanese V
  • JPSE3007 Japanese VI


Language Enhancement Programme (LEP) Non-credit courses
  • SUPJ0001 Japanese Typing
  • SUPJ0002 Japanese Particles(日本語の助詞)
  • SUPJ0003 Japanese Phonological Feature: Vowel Devocalization(日本語の音韻的特徴:母音無声化)
  • SUPJ0004 Japanese Intonation(日本語のイントネーション)
  • SUPJ0005 Correct Sentence Structure(正しい構造の文)
  • SUPJ0006 The On and Kun Readings of Kanji(漢字の音読みと訓読み)
  • SUPJ1010 Japanese I (Part 1)


  • Applicability of communicative language teaching (CLT) to the teaching of Cantonese and Japanese, Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 17 – 18, 2024.
  • Learning Initial and Final Consonants of Cantonese by L2 Learners, Languages of Education: the Chinese Context, the Research Centre into Language Education and Acquisition in Multilingual Societies (RCLEAMS) of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, October 22 – 23, 2010.
  • Acquisition of adjunct prepositional phrases (PPs) in Cantonese as L2 (co-presented with Dr. Stephen Matthews (The University of Hong Kong)), The 13th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects, City University of Hong Kong, December 20, 2008.
  • Applicability of the internally-headed relative clause (IHRC) analysis to relatives in Cantonese: from a typological perspective (從語言類型學角度探討內置中心名詞的關係小句(IHRC)分析法在粤語關係小句中的運用), The 16th Annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-16), Peking University, May 30 – Jun 02, 2008.