Full-Fee Refund Policy and Application Procedures


UGC-funded students who have  (1) attended at least 85% of lessons in any Supplementary Courses of English, Chinese or Putonghua, and (2) passed the required examinations (applicable to PUTO2270, PUTO3080 and PUTO3280) are eligible to apply for a full refund of course fees within one month after the last lesson of the course.
* The course fee of supplementary foreign language course is non-refundable.

Application Procedures

Please fill in the Application Form for Course Fee Refunds* and email the completed form to lcsup@hkbu.edu.hk within one month after the last lesson of the course.
Please input or update your local bank account details under “Study Record & Personal Particulars” in BUniPort and then provide a screen shot in the application form.
(Note: A credit card account is not accepted)
The University may not be able to arrange course fee refunds for those students who are not able to input or update their local bank account details before the submission of the application form.
*The bank account information collected in the form is for autopayment purposes only. All photocopies of bank account information will be kept and deleted after use according to the Faculty of Arts Language Centre Guidelines on Personal Data: Collection/Retention/Security/Update.

Office Hours and Address

Please refer to Contact US


(Tel) 3411 5804 | (Email) lcsup@hkbu.edu.hk