宗旨 Objective

  • 培養學生學習普通話的興趣
  • 增進學生之間的交流與學習
  • 促進跨文化溝通和校園文化的多元發展

  • Cultivate students’ interest in learning Mandarin.
  • Enhance communication and learning among students.
  • Promote cross-cultural communication and the diverse development of campus culture.

組別 Category

  • 漢語母語組:
    –  非普通話母語組(參加香港DSE中國語文科考試之同學)
    – 普通話母語組(參加內地普通- 「高等學校招生」或台灣「多元入學方案」中國語文科考試之同學,或以其他方式入學之同學)
  • 非漢語母語組(母語非漢語的國際學生)

  • Chinese Native Speaker:
    – Non-Mandarin Native Group (participants in the Hong Kong DSE Chinese Language examination).
    – Mandarin Native Group (participants in Mainland China’s “Higher Education Enrollment” or Taiwan’s “Multiple Entry Program” Chinese language examination, or students admitted through other means).
  • Non-Chinese Speaker (International students whose native language is not Chinese).

獎項(每組別)Awards (Per Category)


  • 冠軍(每組各一名):港幣1500元(書券)、獎杯及獎狀
  • 亞軍(每組各一名):港幣1200元(書券)、獎杯及獎狀
  • 季軍(每組各一名):港幣900元(書券)、獎杯及獎狀
  • 優異獎(每組各一名):港幣500元(書券)、獎狀
  • 參賽獎(若干):港幣100元(書券)、參賽證明


Each of the Non-Mandarin Native Group, Mandarin Native Group, and Non-Chinese Native Group has the following awards:

  • Champion (one per group): HKD1500 (book voucher), trophy, and certificate
  • First Runner-up (one per group): HKD1200 (book voucher), trophy, and certificate
  • Second Runner-up (one per group): HKD900 (book voucher), trophy, and certificate
    Outstanding Award (one per group): HKD500 (book voucher), certificate
  • Participation Award (several): HKD100 (book voucher), participation certificate


參賽資格 Eligibility


All full-time UGC-funded students

初賽選拔 Preliminary Selection




Song for competition: Mandarin song (duration: 3 to 5 minutes)

Registration deadline: February 23, 2024 (Friday). Participants must record a video of their performance along with the lyrics and upload it to the registration page: https://forms.office.com/r/1bgeYFHnJT. The judging panel will select finalists based on rhythm, volume, singing proficiency, pronunciation, and accuracy of lyrics.

Limited slots available, first-come, first-served.

Registration QR Code

決賽 Grand Final

Grand Final & Ceremony

報名 Register: https://hkbu.questionpro.com/pthsinging2024


Live performance. Details will be announced to the finalists after the preliminary selection.

決賽嘉賓評審 Guest Judges for Finals

  • 胡庭恩先生
  • 張天麒先生
  • Siuwu
    Lead singer and guitarist of the Hong Kong band “Yellow!”
  • Ison Cheung 
    Renowned musician and lecturer at Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts

查詢 Enquiry

電話 Tel :3411 5841 
電郵 Email:lcevents@hkbu.edu.hk