Writing Consultation

The Language Centre has been running the Peer Writing Tutoring Programme for years to support the development of students’ writing skills. Since Semester 2, 2018-2019, the Language Centre has extended the consultation services to all UGC-funded students at the University under an initiative named Student-tutor Writing Consultation Programme (SWCP).

Our peer tutors will provide one-on-one writing help for their tutees by giving advice at different stages of their writing, including planning, drafting, revising, and finalizing, in a friendly and supportive setting.

The tutors are:

  • Selected UGC-funded postgraduates and Year 2 or above
    UGC-funded undergraduates at HKBU
  • Trained and supervised by the programme coordinators


Monday to Friday: Our Zone at the Learning Commons, Level 4, Academic and Administration Building (AAB)
(The tutoring service will be provided in a virtual mode when face-to-face sessions are not possible.)


Monday to Friday, 10:30 am – 6:30 pm, from October 2023 to April 2024
(There may be occasions that our tutors are absent from their sessions due to illness or emergency. Please check the online schedule for updated information.)

How to register

Go to to view the available consultation sessions and register
(Note: If you do not attend a consultation session as scheduled, you will not be able to book a session for the rest of the semester.)

How to prepare

  • Upload your writing at least 2 days in advance before the consultation for the tutor to read and prepare.
  • If you want help on specific sections or aspects of your writing, please indicate them on your document.
  • Bring a hard copy of your writing with you to the consultation.

Questions about the programme

What students say about this programme

“This programme allows me to discuss my writing with a peer in a friendly and relaxed manner. My tutor has helped me improve the organization, style and language use of my writing.”


“My tutor has given me detailed feedback on my writing and also suggested ways and useful references to improve my language and academic writing style.”


“A peer tutor could give us feedback on our writing from a student’s perspective. This programme is flexible and convenient.”


“It is good to have a tutor who is like a friend to read through my writing. My peer
tutor really understood my problems and gave me useful suggestions.”


“Reading others’ writing and giving feedback actually helped me spot my own errors and edit my own writing.”


“This programme provides me with chances to communicate with peers in the


If you would like to be a tutor for the programme,
you may email us for more information.