Dr Mable CHAN

Senior Lecturer

B.A. (Hons) in English and Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.Phil. in English (General/Applied Linguistics), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (English), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (with Distinction)
PhD in Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, UK

Telephone: 3411 5041
Office: OEE1011


Dr Chan obtained her B.A. (Hons) in English and Translation, MPhil in English (General/Applied Linguistics), Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Distinction (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and a PhD in Language and Linguistics (University of Essex, UK). She is now studying in an MA programme in Educational Leadership (Practice) with the University of Manchester. Before joining Hong Kong Baptist University, Dr Chan had an extensive teaching experience of over 25 years in secondary schools and the Department of English of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her main research interests include second language acquisition (SLA) at the interface with language education, and professional/workplace communication. In terms of the first area, her training as a generative grammarian under Roger Hawkins and Vivian Cook (at the University of Essex, where she did her PhD) has led her to develop work focusing on how instruction can support the second language development of English as a foreign language student. One of her recent attempts to bridge the gap between SLA research, theory and practice in language pedagogy is the edited book titled Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives published with Springer in 2022 (with Professor Alessandro Benati as the co-editor). In her second main area of research, which focuses on workplace/professional communication, she examines the communicative needs and communicative competence of Chinese professionals in the Hong Kong workplace. With the recent award of a grant of about $900,000 from the Standing Committee of Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) for a research project entitled Communicative Needs of Chinese professionals in Hong Kong, more exciting and significant findings have been obtained to better our understanding of workplace communicative needs. Dr Chan is the author/editor of two business communication books, titled English for Business Communication (January 2020) and Perspectives on teaching workplace English in the 21st century (July 2023). These books, published by Routledge, a prestigious international publisher, cater to the demand for research-oriented business communication resources.

Dr Chan received the Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching twice (2004/2005; 2010/2011). She was honored as one of top 23 finalists for The TESOL 2016 Teacher of the Year Award. She has also secured significant grants, both internal and external, totaling $5,306,674.4 (over 5.3 million) for various research projects.


  • Second language acquisition (SLA)
  • Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  • English for Specific Purposes
  • Workplace communication
  • Academic communication


Journal Articles

  • Chan, M., & Benati, A. (2023). Motivational factors and structured input effects on the acquisition of English causative passive forms. Ampersand, 10(2023), 100111.
  • Chan, M. (2019). The role of classroom input: Processing instruction, traditional instruction, and implicit instruction in the acquisition of the English simple past by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong. System80, 246-256. 10.1016/j.system.2018.12.003
  • Chan, M. (2018). Processing instruction in helping map forms and meaning in second language acquisition of the English simple past. Journal of Educational Research, 111(6), 720- 732.
  • Chan, M. (2016). Teachers’ cognition about teaching and learning of simple past tense: Can processing instruction help? Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 6(4), 329-371.
  • Chan, M. (2015). Language learner autonomy and learning contract: A case study of language majors of a university in Hong Kong. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5, 147-180.
  • Chan, M. (2014). Communicative needs in the workplace and curriculum development of business English courses. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 77(4), 376-408.


  • Chan, M. (forthcoming in 2024). Teaching business English. Routledge.
  • Chan, M. (Ed.). (2023). Perspectives on teaching workplace English in the 21st century. Routledge.
  • Chan, M. & Benati, A. (Eds.). (2022). Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives. Springer.
  • Chan, M. (2020). English for business communication. Routledge.
  • Chan, M. (2015). 《職場英語2: 知錯能改》[Common errors in workplace English]. World Publishing.
  • Chan, M. (2014). Acquisition of ‘be’ by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications. Peter Lang.
  • Cheng, W., Chan, M., Chiu, H., Kwok, A., Lam, K. H., Lam, K. M. K., Lim, G., & Wright, R. (2014). Enhancing students’ professional competence and generic qualities through writing in English across the curriculum. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • Chan, M. (2013).《職場英語》 [Workplace English]. World Publishing.

Book chapters

  • Chan, M. (2023). Genre analysis of persuasive texts: sales correspondence, invitations and charity appeals, and pedagogical implications. In M. Chan (Ed.), Perspectives of teaching workplace English in the 21st century. Routledge.
  • Chan, M. (2023). Communicative needs of Chinese professionals in Hong Kong and pedagogical implications. In M. Chan (Ed.), Perspectives of teaching workplace English in the 21st century. Routledge.
  • Chan, M. (2022). Cantonese English as a second language (ESL) learners’ and local English teachers’ perceived difficulties of English article use and pedagogical implications. In M. Chan & A. Benati (Eds.), Challenges Encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives. Springer.

Book review

  • Chan, M. (2011). [Review of the book Communicating internationally in English, by B. Dignen, & I. McMaster], ELT Journal, 66(2), 271-273.


2022Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning (funded $1,700,000) by University Grants Committee (UGC) (Co-PI)
2018Communicative needs of Chinese professionals in Hong Kong (funded $882,286.9 by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) (PI)
2017Articles in Cantonese/English interlanguage (a GRF proposal, obtained a rating of 3.5 (i.e. fundable but not funded) and internally funded $105,000) (PI)
2016Articles in Cantonese/English interlangauge (a 3.5 GRF proposal internally funded: $105,000) (PI)
2016Reflective writing as an active learning tool: A case study of year 1 English major students of a university in Hong Kong ($49,087.5: Dean’s Reserve) (PI)
2015Exploring structural moves and lexico-grammatical patterns of workplace texts: A corpus approach ($100,000: Dean’s Reserve) (PI)
2013The role of pedagogical intervention: Acquisition of tense by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong ($677,300: University Grants Committee (UGC), a General Research Fund (GRF) project) (PI)
2013L2 acquisition of tense and aspect by Cantonese and Mandarin ESL learners of different proficiency levels ($80,000: PolyU-Tsinghua U Centre for Language Sciences) (PI)
2012Grammar stories: Maximizing students’ learning outcomes in grammar courses ($80,000: Dean’s Reserve) (PI)
2011Enhancing students’ professional competence and generic qualities through reading, discussing and writing in English across the curriculum ($940,000: Learning and Teaching Development Grants of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region) (CI)
2011A diachronic analysis of temporal and modal constructions in Indo-European and Asian languages, with implications for L2 acquisition ($80,000: Departmental Research Grant (DRG)) (CI)
2011From empirical findings to pedagogical implications: Diachronic perspectives to grammar stories ($80,000: Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee (DLTC)) (PI)
2010Processing instruction and acquisition of tense by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong ($105,000: a 3.5 GRF proposal internally funded) (PI)
2010Doctor-patient communication in Hong Kong: Alignment, issues and implications ($83,000: Internal Competitive Research Grant) (PI)
2010Dialogue with the workplace: Optimizing students’ learning outcomes in business English courses ($80,000: Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) small-scale projects) (PI)
2010What learning contract reveals about Cantonese ESL learners’ attitude towards English language learning and the pedagogical implications ($80,000: DLTC funding) (PI)
2007Tertiary students’ perceptions on the importance and use of teacher feedback in Hong Kong ($80,000: DLTC funding) (PI)
Total External Research Grants secured as PI: HK$3,259,586 .9 (over 3.2 million)
Total Internal Research Grants secured as PI: HK$1,027,087.5 (over 1 million)


  • Chan, M. (2023, May). Perspectives on teaching workplace English in the 21st century. Paper presented at AHKLC Annual Symposium: The Launch of STiLE, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, M. (2023, April). Research into Second Language Acquisition: Dissemination of Results and Impact. Paper presented at The 30th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2022, September). Revamping a core academic literacy course for undergraduate students: Experience and implications. Paper presented at the 30th MELTA International Conference (Online).
  • Chan, M (2022, August). Revamping a core academic literacy course for undergraduate students: Experience and implications. Paper presented at MAAL APC 2022 Conference, Malaysia.
  • Chan, M. (2021, February). Communicative needs of Chinese professionals in Hong Kong. Paper to be presented at the 28th KOTESOL International Conference Re-envisioning ELT Altogether, All Together, 19-28 February 2021, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2021, January). Spoken challenges faced By Chinese professionals communicating in the workplace. Paper presented at The HKCPD Hub International Conference 2020 for University English Teachers, 8-10 January 2021, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, M. (2020, November). Genre analysis of persuasive texts: sales correspondence, invitations and charity appeals, and pedagogical implications. Paper presented at Asia TEFL Conference, 26-28 November 2020. Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2020, October). Genre analysis of persuasive texts: sales correspondence, invitations and charity appeals, and pedagogical implications. Paper presented at the 2020 TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, 16-17 October 2020, Taiwan.
  • Chan, M. (2019, June). Acquisition of functional categories by Chinese ESL learners. Colloquia at TEFL International, 27-29 June 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Chan, M. (2018, December). Teacher perceptions of Cantonese learners’ difficulties with English articles. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT 2018). Duangtawan Hotel, 7-8 December 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Chan, M. (2018, October). Teacher perceptions of Cantonese learners’ difficulties with English articles. Paper presented at The 2018 Korea TESOL International Conference. Sookmyung Women’s University, 13-14 October 2018, Seoul, Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2018, June). Reflective level of English major undergraduate students in a local university in Hong Kong and pedagogical implications. Paper presented at The 16th Asia TEFL, 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL International Conference. University of Macau, 27-29 June 2018, Macau.
  • Chan, M. (2018, May). Reflective level of English major undergraduate students in a local university in Hong Kong and pedagogical implications. Paper presented at The 3rd Global Educators Network (Teaching English Foreign Language) International Conference. 11-13 May 2018, Novotel City Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Chan, M. (2017, December). Role of pedagogical intervention: Acquisition of English simple past by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, 29 June 2017, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, M. (2016, June). Exploring structural moves and lexio-grammatical patterns of workplace texts: A corpus approach. Paper presented at The 15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Thailand.
  • Chan, M. (2016, May). Processing instruction and acquisition of tense [Conference session]. Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) 25th International Conference, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
  • Chan, M. (2016, May). Processing instruction and English simple past. Paper presented at 5th CELC (Centre for English Language Communication) Symposium, Singapore.
  • Chan, M. (2015, September). Persuasive writing at workplace: A corpus linguistic approach. Paper presented at 2015 ALAK International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2015, June). L2 acquisition of tense and aspect by Cantonese and Mandarin ESL learners of different proficiency. Paper presented at Changing English: Integrating cognitive, social & typological perspectives, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Chan, M. (2015, January). Processing instruction and learning of tense [Conference session]. 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICAH), Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Chan, M. (2014, August). Processing instruction and teaching and learning of tense [Conference session]. 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Brisbane, Australia.
  • Chan, M. (2013, October). Acquisition of tense: Findings concerning how English simple past tense is taught and learned in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level (ISTETL 9), Hangzhou, China.
  • Chan, M. (2013, July). Teaching and learning of English simple past tense in Hong Kong primary classrooms. Paper presented at International Conference on English Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2013, May). What makes a business English course effective: Voices from Chinese professionals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at International Conference on Applied Foreign Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Chan, M. (2012, December). Four constructs in health communication. Paper presented at Applied English and Professional Practice, ALAPP, Sydney, Australia.
  • Chan, M. (2012, September). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners: Implications for L2 acquisition of tense and aspect. Paper presented at EuroSLA 22-22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association, Poznań, Poland.
  • Chan, M. (2012, August/September). Learning autonomy of tertiary students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Independent Learning Association 2012 Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Chan, M. (2012, August). Tailoring business English courses to meet students’ communicative needs in the workplace. Paper presented at The 8th ISTE & 17th International Conference of PAAL, Beijing, China.
  • Chan, M. (2012, June). Narrowing the gap between workplace needs and business English learning in the classroom/ Paper presented at Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), Ontario, Canada.
  • Chan, M. (2012, March). Dialogue with the workplace: Optimizing students’ learning outcomes in business English courses. Paper presented at Crossing Boundaries: Working and Communicating in the Asia Pacific Region, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • Chan, M., Matthiessen, C. M. I. M., & Yap, F. H. (2011, August). Acquisition of tense and aspect [Conference session]. The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2011), Beijing, China.
  • Chan, M. (2011, July). Crucial moments of interaction of doctor-patient communication in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference: Communication, Medicine & Ethics (COMET), Nottingham, UK.
  • Chan, M. (2011, June). Doctor-patient communication in Hong Kong: A case study of PolyU clinic. Paper presented at Applied English and Professional Practice (ALAPP), Cardiff, UK.
  • Chan, M. (2011, April). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners: Implications for L2 acquisition of tense and aspect. Paper presented at CHORNOS 10 International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality, Birmingham, UK.
  • Chan, M. (2010, June). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners: Missing surface inflection or impairment? Paper presented at Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, M. (2010, June). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications. Paper presented at The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Japan.
  • Chan, M. (2010, January). The role of work-integrated education (WIE): Optimizing students’ learning outcomes in business English courses. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Chan, M. (2009, December). What learning contract reveals about university students’ attitude towards English language learning. Paper presented at Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, M. (2009, November). Tertiary students’ perceptions on the importance and use of teacher feedback in Hong Kong. Paper presented at International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.
  • Chan, M. (2009, July). What learning contract reveals about university students’ attitude towards English language learning. Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Learning, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Chan, M. (2008, December). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications. Paper presented at Annual Research Forum, the Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, M. (2007, June). Acquisition of “be” by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications. Paper presented The 4th International Symposium of Teaching English at Tertiary Level, Hong Kong.


  • Scholarship platform for teaching and learning in a virtual age, Envisioning the Future: Innovation Across Asian and Oceania TESOL Affiliates, Affiliate Network Professional Council of TESOL International, 25 February 2022.
  • Research into second language acquisition: dissemination of results and impact (a talk for colleagues of the Centre for Language Education and students of the MAILE programme), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), November 2021.
  • Teaching business English to meet the current trends of global business communication, Symposium ESP in Higher Education in Hong Kong – Teaching Practices and New Trends, Hong Kong Baptist University, 5 August, 2021.
  • Pedagogy of business English to meet new trends of professional communication, Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) 29th International Conference, 23 – 25 July 2021.
  • Essay Writing (a workshop for students taking the course GFVM 1037: Ideologies, World Views And Modern History). Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, 22 February 2021.
  • From conference poster to publication in language and teaching journals: Tips from editors. ELC and PolyU library, 9 May 2018 (Other speakers included Professor Icy Lee and Professor Jette G. Hansen Edwards).
  • Processing instruction and tense acquisition, HK Association for Applied Linguistics, 30 March 2017.
  • 周街學英文 [Language awareness and common errors in English], Rhenish Church College, 8 December 2016.
  • Acquisition of tense by Cantonese ESL learners and how processing instruction might help acquisition of tense by Cantonese ESL learners, keynote presentation at 18th International Conference on Linguistic and Generative Grammar Theory, 6 December 2016.
  • Interviewing skills for you and your kids, World Publishing Company, 28 November 2015.
  • Conveying persuasive messages (for students of Korean programme), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4 February 2015.
  • English language learning (for primary school students), PolyU English Camp at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4 August 2014.
  • Research paper writing skill (workshop for DEd students), Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT), 10 May 2014.
  • Teaching business communication, one-day intensive course for Korean teachers teaching the diplomats, 28 January 2014.
  • Business writing skill (training workshop for Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation), Hong Kong Productivity Council, 19 July 2013.
  • Business proposal writing skills (for the participants of a 6-day case competition on Corporate Social Responsibility), AIESEC, 5 March 2013.
  • Business proposal writing seminar (for participants in the Accounting and Business Management Case Competition), HKIAAT, December 2012; January 2010 and November 2009.
  • Writing in a second language: Challenges, strategies and implications (EPPRS workshop for postgraduate students), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 20 May 2011 and 18 May 2010.
  • Learning English: Myths and strategies (for secondary students in Tin Shui Wai and Sham Shui Po), 22 January 2011.
  • Master your English in the workplace for youngsters, Youth Employment Start (Y.E.S.), 29 July 2010.
  • Learning English: myths and strategies for secondary school leavers (a summer programme “PolyU Experiential Visit- A Road to your Professional Life”), Academic Secretariat of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 15 July 2010.
  • Tense and aspect (Lecture series), South China Normal University, 14 May 2010 (Other speakers included Professor Christian Matthiessen and Dr Yap Foong Ha).
  • Use of plain English (Bookfest@ Hong Kong Joy to the Reading World), Popular Holdings Limited, 31 December 2009.


  • Chair of the Organizing Committee of an International Conference (scheduled for June 2024) on student engagement and use of technology to be hosted by the Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University (June 2023 to June 2024)
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of an International Symposium Re-envisioning and Re-shaping Language and Interpreting Education through Technology: An International Symposium (scheduled for 28-29 November 2023) on language learning, translation practices and use of technology (co-organized with the Centre for Translation Studies and the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (May 2023 to Nov 2023)
  • Associate Head of the Language Centre (since Sep 2022)
  • Member of Programme Management Committee (PMC) (since Sep 2022)
  • Chair of the Curriculum Management and Development Committee (CMDC) (since June 2021)
  • Course Coordinator of University English II (UEII) (2021 – June 2023)
  • Adjudicator: (a) English Public Speaking Contest 2021 organized by The College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (20 May 2021); (b) The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition (first and final round) organized by the Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University (March 2021; June 2022; May 2023)
  • Member of Organizing Committee of the Symposium on ESP in Higher Education: Teaching Practices and New Trends (Jan to May 2021)
  • Reviewer: Reviewed two academic writing courses (i.e. English Academic Writing 1 and English Academic Writing 2) for College of International Education (CIE), Hong Kong Baptist University (Jan 2021)


  • Editor of Paper and Reviews for Scholarship of Teaching in Language Education (STiLE) (since August 2022)
  • Executive Committee Member (Treasurer), Association of Hong Kong Language Centres (AHKLC) (since July 2021)
  • Associate Member of Centre for Higher Education Research (CHER) at Sunway University, Malaysia (from September 2020 to present)
  • Member of the Curriculum Development Council-Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (CDC-HKEAA) Committee on English Language (from 30 August 2019 to 2021)
  • Member of organizing committee of The HAAL Annual Conference (27 to 29 June 2018, 15 July 2023)
  • Specialist of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) (from 2014 to 2027)
  • Committee Member (Secretary) of Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) since 2008
  • Internal Member of Research Centre for Professional Communication in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (till June 2020)
  • Regular Member of PolyU-Tsinghua U Centre for Language Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (till June 2020)
  • Member of Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK)
  • Member of Japan Second Language Association (JSLA)
  • Member of Association for Business Communication (ABC)
  • Editors/Reviewer for Journals:
    • Editorial Board Member, ELT Journal (2023 Impact Factor: 2.26; SJR Q1)
    • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Business Communication (2023 Impact Factor: 3.1; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Business and Technical Communication (2023 Impact Factor: 2.63; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Communication Management (2023 Impact Factor: 3.65; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Applied Psycholinguistics (2023 Impact Factor: 2.2; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability (2023 Impact Factor: 2.17; SJR Q2)
    • Review Editor, Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Education (2023 Impact Factor: 3.91; SJR Q2)
    • Reviewer, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching Education (2023 Impact Factor: 2.352; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, English for Specific Purposes (2023 Impact Factor: 3.23; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Language Teaching Research (2023 Impact Factor: 4.18; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Applied Linguistics (2023 Impact Factor: 3.83; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Studies in Higher Education (2023 Impact Factor: 5.2; SJR Q1)
    • Assistant Editor, Journal of English for Academic Purposes (2001-2002) (2023 Impact Factor: 3.45; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (2023 Impact Factor: 6.6; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, English Language Teaching Journal (2023 Impact Factor: 2.481; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Language Policy (2023 Impact Factor: 1.9; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Language and Communication (2023 Impact Factor: 1.89; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Language and Intercultural Communication (2023 Impact Factor: 1.97; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, System (2023 Impact Factor: 6.73; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Oxford Review of Education (2023 Impact Factor: 3.16; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Educational Research Journal (2023 Impact Factor: 2.968; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, International Journal of Education Development (2023 Impact Factor: 1.873; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Essex Graduate Student Papers in Language and Linguistics (A journal)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Applied Communication Research (2023 Impact Factor: 2.86; SJR Q1)
    • Assistant Editor, Journal of Assessing Writing (2023 Impact Factor: 3.164; SJR Q1) (2001-2002)
    • Reviewer, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPE) (2023 Impact Factor: 5.1; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication (2023 Impact Factor: 1.66; SJR Q2)
    • Reviewer, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics (Google-based Impact Factor: 0.8)
    • Reviewer, Language and Education (2023 Impact Factor: 2.78; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science
    • Reviewer, ELF Annual Research Journal
    • Reviewer, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (2023 Impact Factor: 0.156; SJR Q3)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Asia TEFL (2023 Impact Factor: 0.73; SJR Q2)
    • Reviewer, L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (2023 Impact Factor: 0.61; SJR Q1)
    • Reviewer, Asian ESP Journal (2023 Impact Factor: 1.13; SJR)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences
    • Article Editor, SAGE Open (Manuscript entitled “Peer Engagement to Augment English Learning (PETAEL): Literature Synthesis to Support a Conceptual Model”) (2023 Impact Factor:2.47; SJR Q2)
    • Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education (2023 Impact Factor: 5.53; SJR Q1)
  • Reviewer for Conferences:
    • The ABC 85th Annual International Conference (Oct 2020)
    • The 16th Asia TEFL, 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL International Conference (2018)
    • TESOL Conference (July 2018)
    • WACE’s 17th World Conference (2011)
    • Sixth International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise DICOEN VI (2011)
    • The HAAL Annual Research Forum (2009; 2011; 2016)
    • The 3rd, 5th and 7th International Symposia on Teaching English at the Tertiary Level (2007; 2009; 2011)
  • Reviewer for Grant Proposals:
    • Research and Development Projects 2021-22 of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR)
    • Competitive Research Funding for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector under Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (2017, 2015, 2014)
  • External Advisor / Reviewer of English language programmes
    • HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College – as Academic Assessor on course syllabuses (e.g. Introduction to Academic English, English for Academic Purposes I, English for Academic Purposes II, English for Healthcare Professionals, English for Science and Technology), assessments and examination scripts for Higher Diploma Level (HKQF level 4) (Since September 2024)
    • Community College of City University – English courses in the proposed B.A. in English and Communication offered by (October 2018)
    • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education (since 2015)
    • Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) (since 2012)
  • Writer of English columns:
    • English column in MingPao called 周街學英文 (since September 2015)
    • Invited by MingPao’s Dr DSE to address students’ English problems with the first issue concerning vocabulary retention, available on 18 September 2018.
    • Business English column in the HKIAAT (Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians Limited) newsletter (a bi-monthly publication)
  • External textbook reviewer of the English Language Textbook Review Panel, English Language Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau (from 1 Nov 2021 to 31 October 2025)
  • Writing assessor of Institute’s Test of English Language Proficiency (ITELP) by The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) (since May 2015)
  • Invited by HKIATT to prepare teaching materials for Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers concerning how to teach the component of business communication (September 2011)
  • Adjudicator:
    • The HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2023 (8 March 2023 to 15 March 2023)
    • The Annual Chamber Debate (Community Event) organized by The HKFYG Leadership Institute (6 August 2022)
    • SOW Creative Writing Competition 2021 (Upper Primary Division) organized by English Language Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau (Apr to May 2021)
    • The Hong Kong English Public Speaking Contest organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and The Standard Chartered (2009-11, 2015-16, 2019-2022)
    • 6th Inter-universities Speech Contest (English Stream) organized by Metro Lions Cup (preliminary section)(2008)
    • Business Presentation Campaign (about presenting innovative ideas for developing a new business) organized for the BALSP year 1 students (2005/2006)
    • English writing competition for the Mentorship Day, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2003-2004)