Lucky Draw for Students who have taken at least one of the IELTS Prep Courses and the IELTS Academic Test (2024-2025)


UGC-funded students who have attended at least 85% of lessons in one or more IELTS Prep Course(s) before taking the IELTS test and have taken an IELTS test (Academic Module) between 16 June 2024 and 15 June 2025 are eligible to enter a lucky draw for a $100 Coffee Gift Card. A total of 10 students will receive a prize.

Application Procedures

Application Deadline

30 June 2025

Results of the Lucky Draw

The results of the lucky draw will be announced by email by the end of October 2025.

Office Hours and Address

Please refer to Contact US


(Tel) 3411 7498 | (Email)