LC Scholarship Bulletin


Issue No. Category Item Submission Deadline
37th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/PAPERS/PROPOSALS The 7th World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education 2024 Submission Deadline: 3 May 2024
37th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/PAPERS/PROPOSALS The 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) 31 May 2024 (Fri)
37th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/PAPERS/PROPOSALS Applied linguistics for a just society: Advancing equity, access and opportunity Submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
37th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/PAPERS/PROPOSALS 第⼗屆中國語⾔政策與語⾔規劃學術研討會 Submission Deadline: 5 Jun 2024 (Wed)
37th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/TALKS/EVENTS IELTS Course Design and Assessment of Students’ Learning 6 May 2024 (Mon), 2:30pm - 4:00pm
37th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/TALKS/EVENTS The 2024 11th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts (ICLLA 2024) 10 - 12 May (Fri – Sun)
37th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/TALKS/EVENTS The 2nd International Hybrid Conference on Diversity and Inclusivity in English Language Education 11 - 12 May (Sat – Sun)
37th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/TALKS/EVENTS Hong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development (HASALD) seminar: Ricky Lam - Evolution of Portfolio Assessment: A focus on its transition, integration, research trends, and implications. 28 May 2024 (Tue), 6:30pm - 7:30pm
37th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/TALKS/EVENTS Literary Writing in a Historical Transition: A Comparative Analysis of “Du Wanxiang” and “Goldbach Conjecture” 3 May 2024 (Fri), 5:30pm - 6:45pm
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
37th (April 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
37th (April 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
36th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Empowering Emerging Researchers Abstract submission deadline: 20 April 2024 (Sat)
36th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS International Conference on Chinese Language Heritage in a Diverse World Abstract submission deadline: 21 April 2024 (Sun)
36th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS The 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
36th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Applied linguistics for a just society: Advancing equity, access and opportunity Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Advancing Language Education with AI: Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy Innovation 19 April 2024 (Fri), 3:00pm - 5:00pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ALLT 2024: International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching 19 -20 April 2024 (Fri - Sat)
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 26th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 19-21 April 2024 (Fri - Sun)
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Inclusive Stories, Inclusive Spaces: Assessing the Impact of Transgender Storytelling Workshops on Students’ Empathetic Attitudes in Hong Kong 22 April 2024 (Mon), 4:00pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS CMDC Seminar on Integrating AI Literacy Training into UG Credit- bearing Courses 23 April 2024 (Tue), 4:00pm - 5:30pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS HAAL seminar: Assessment and Teacher Assessment Literacy in Bilingual Education 23 April 2024 (Tue), 6:00pm - 7:00pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Condition on Extraction Domain and Coordinate Structure Constraint as Consequences of Immediate Transfer 30 April 2024 (Tue), 10:30am -12:15pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS IELTS Course Design and Assessment of Students’ Learning 6 May 2024 (Mon), 2:30pm - 4:00pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Towards a Sustainable and Transferable Model of English Across the Curriculum (EAC) 7 -8 June 2024 (Fri - Sat)
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 《異鄉記》中的多維⾵景 25 April 2024 (Thu), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「⼈⽂東北系列講座」第四講:東北邊地⽂學:從戰前的蕭紅到戰後 的朝鮮族 27 April 2024 (Sat), 9:00am - 11:00am
36th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「第⼗七屆⼤專中⽂教學交流會」主題:語⽂教學的專業與多元 29 April 2024 (Mon), 2:00pm - 5:00pm
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
36th (April 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
36th (April 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
35th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Empowering Emerging Researchers Abstract submission deadline: 20 April 2024 (Sat)
35th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS International Conference on Chinese Language Heritage in a Diverse World Abstract submission deadline: 21 April 2024 (Sun)
35th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS The 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
35th (April 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Applied linguistics for a just society: Advancing equity, access and opportunity Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 2024 CLE-TCA Language Education Conference : Dissolving the Theory- practice Dualism 13 April 2024 (Sat), 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS The Neuro-Narrative: Unpacking Audience Engagement with Stories 16 April 2024 (Tue), 4:30pm - 6:15pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Advancing Language Education with AI: Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy Innovation 19 April 2024 (Fri), 3:00pm - 5:00pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ALLT 2024: International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching 19 - 20 April 2024 (Fri - Sat)
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Condition on Extraction Domain and Coordinate Structure Constraint as Consequences of Immediate Transfer 30 April 2024 (Tue), 10:30 am -12:15 pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS IELTS Course Design and Assessment of Students’ Learning 6 May 2024 (Mon), 2:30pm - 4:00pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Breaking the Rules: A Discussion on the Archaic Music and the New Music in Early China 5 April 2024 (Fri), 5:30pm - 6:45pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ⾶⿃與地下—⼩說在當代的幾重⾯貌 9 April 2024 (Tue), 3:30pm - 5:00pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 蔡元豐博⼠榮休研討會「劇評⼆三事」 10 April 2024 (Wed), 3:30pm - 5:00pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 中國⽂學創作研究專題:發光的房間 10 April 2024 (Wed), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 【冼為堅傑出訪問教授席(⼈⽂學科) 】講座系列 - 【漫⻑的⼗九世 紀——清代後期思想的動盪】第⼆講 : 道咸年間的宗法烏托邦 12 April 2024 (Fri), 3:30pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「⼈⽂東北系列講座」第三講:1905年秋·瀋陽實勝寺的訪客 12 April 2024 (Fri), 3:30pm
35th (April 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 《異鄉記》中的多維⾵景 25 April 2024 (Thu), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
35th (April 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
35th (April 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Qualitative research in applied linguistics: A call for temporally focused methods Abstract submission deadline: 29 March 2024 (Fri)
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS International Symposium on Humanities, Societies and Digital Futures Day 1: 21 March 2024 (Thu), 8:30am - 5:30pm
Day 2: 22 March 2024 (Fri), 9:00am - 5:30pm
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS The 2024 12th International Conference on Language, Media and Culture (ICLMC 2024) 27 - 29 March 2024 (Wed - Fri)
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Secondary and online effects for structured input: Current and future research trends 8 April 2024 (Mon), 6:00pm - 7:00pm
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ALLT 2024: International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching 19 - 20 April 2024 (Fri - Sat)
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ⼈⽂東北系列講座」第⼆講:喊⿆的歷史與東北脈絡 22 March 2024 (Fri)
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 浸⼤⽂學院華語作家創作坊2024春季活動 25 March 2024 (Mon) - 22 April 2024 (Mon)
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Impossible Trinity & Invisible Story Teller: A Creative Writing Approach to Eileen Chang’s Romances 26 March 2024 (Tue), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
34th (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 冼為堅傑出訪問教授席(⼈⽂學科)講座系列: 第⼀講 : 思想的內爆——清代後期學術、思想的分裂 27 March 2024 (Wed), 6:30pm
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
34th (Mar 2024) MATERIALS FOR SHARING Navigating The Future Of Language Education: From Generative AI To Cyber-Physical Learning Powerpoint slides for the Dr Sean McMinn’s seminar #VALUE!
33rd (Mar 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS /PAPERS /PROPOSALS AHKLC LC Conference on Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2024 (Sat)
33rd (Mar 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS /PAPERS /PROPOSALS Qualitative research in applied linguistics: A call for temporally focused methods Abstract submission deadline: 29 March 2024 (Fri)
33rd (Mar 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS /PAPERS /PROPOSALS The 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
33rd (Mar 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS /PAPERS /PROPOSALS 「中國語⾔學及中⽂教育史」國際研討會 Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2024 (Fri)
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS The CUHK-UChicago Forum on Comparative Linguistics 5 March 2024 (Tue), 9:00am - 6:30pm
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS The 2024 International Writers’ Workshop (IWW) Literary Festival & 20th Anniversary – Origins & Futures: Opening Keynote Conversation 11 March 2024 (Mon), 11:00am – 1:00pm
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS 58th RELC International Conference - Re-humanizing, Re-conceptualizing and Re-imagining Language Teaching and Learning for Education 5.0 11 - 13 March 2024 (Mon - Wed)
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS Supporting Students to Use AI Ethically and Effectively in Academic Writing 20 March 2024 (Wed), 12:35pm - 2:15pm
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS International Symposium on Humanities, Societies and Digital Futures Day 1: 21 March 2024 (Thu), 8:30am - 5:30pm Day 2: 22 March 2024 (Fri), 9:00am - 5:30pm
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS 4th International Conference of Education (CONEDU 2024) 16 - 17 March 2024 (Sat - Sun)
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS 專業中⽂講座 (⼗四) 語⽂與⽂創講座系列:設計中的社區與⾃然 12 March 2024 (Tue), 10:45am - 12:15pm
33rd (Mar 2024) CONFERENCES /TALKS /EVENTS 中國著名作家講座系列 (1):⽂學的未來與未來的⽂學──由科幻⼩説到⼈機共創 27 March 2024 (sun), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
33rd (Mar 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
33rd (Mar 2024) MATERIALS FOR SHARING 「⽤中學」:任務型語⾔⽂化項⽬的設計理念和實踐 Seminar by 李姍姍 & 張薇
33rd (Mar 2024) MATERIALS FOR SHARING Harnessing AI for Special Education: Part 3 - Using GenAI to Support the IEP Process Seminar by Amanda Bickerstaff & Kelli Suding
33rd (Mar 2024) RECENT PULICATIONS Robb, T. N., & Ewert, D. (2024). Classroom-based extensive reading: a review of recent research. Language Teaching, 1–30. doi:10.1017/S0261444823000319
33rd (Mar 2024) RECENT PULICATIONS Mishan, F., Tamas K. (2024). Developing Intercultural Language Materials. Routledge.
32nd (Feb 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2024 (Fri)
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Harnessing AI in Special Education: A Four Part Series 6 - 27 February 2024 (Tue - Tue)
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Developing a context- and subject-specific professional digital competence framework for beginning English language teachers in Hong Kong 21 February 2024 (Wed), 6:00pm - 7:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS A comparative study of the L2 pragmatic competence of university students in Hong Kong and mainland China: The contributions of sociocultural context and linguistic proficiency 23 February 2024 (Fri), 4:00pm - 5:30pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS AI in Education Forum (APAC): Pioneering Future of Education with AI 27 - 29 February 2024 (Tue - Thu)
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Empowering Language Education: When Corpus-Based Language Pedagogy Meets with AI 28 February 2024 - 2 May 2024 (Wed - Thu)
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS International Writers’ Workshop 2024 Writers-in-Residence Programme: Literary Reading & Discussion 29 February 2024 (Thu), 5:00pm - 6:30pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Responsible AI: Using Interactive Interfaces to Promote Accurate Calibration of Trust in AI Systems 1 March 2024 (Fri), 11:00am
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「⼈⽂東北系列講座」主旨演講 24 February 2024 (Sat), 9:00am - 11:00am
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 語⽂中⼼普通話講論會 —「⽤中學」:任務型語⾔⽂化項⽬的 設計理念和實踐 26 February 2024 (Mon), 3:00pm - 4:30pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 數位與傳統的對話—以避諱研究為例探索⽂科的新機遇 27 February 2024 (Tue), 10:00am - 12:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 南宋詩壇建構中的四靈詩⾵ 29 February 2024 (Thu), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 影像、⾐飾和邊界——張愛玲的《對照記》及其他 1 March 2024 (Sat), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 傳統的建構與詮釋──第三屆⽂史研究⾹港⻘年學者論壇 2 March 2024 (Sun), 8:30am - 6:30pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 獅⼦⼭中⽂⽂學朗誦會2024 2 March 2024 (Sun), 10:00am - 12:30pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 2024國學與漢學名家論壇 4 March 2024 (Mon), 10:30am – 12:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 論⾹港中⽂⼤學聯合書院通識「服務學習」課程之設計 4 March 2024 (Mon), 2:40pm - 4:00pm
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
32nd (Feb 2024) GRANTS Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) Open all year round
32nd (Feb 2024) MATERIALS FOR SHARING Harnessing AI for Special Education: Part 1 - Introduction to Generative AI for Special Educators Seminar by Amanda Bickerstaff
31th (Feb 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Impactful Technologies and Computer-Assisted Language Learning Abstract submission deadline: 9 February 2024 (Fri)
31th (Feb 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS International Conference on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & International Conference on Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching (TeLLT&CoLLT2024) Abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2024 (Thu)
31th (Feb 2024) CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS/ PAPERS/ PROPOSALS Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2024 (Fri)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Hybrid Seminar: A Complex Dynamic Systems approach to applied linguistics: Where do we stand and what to do next? 5 February 2024 (Tue), 5:00pm - 6:00pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Harnessing AI in Special Education: A Four Part Series 6 - 7 February 2024 (Tue - Tue)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Does explicit instruction affect how L2 learners perform a communicative task? 20 February 2024 (Tue), 4:00pm - 5:30 pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Developing a context- and subject-specific professional digital competence framework for beginning English language teachers in Hong Kong 21 February 2024 (Wed), 6:00pm - 7:00pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS A comparative study of the L2 pragmatic competence of university students in Hong Kong and China: The contributions of sociocultural context and linguistic proficiency 23 February 2024 (Fri), 4:00pm - 5:30pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS AI in Education Forum (APAC): Pioneering Future of Education with AI 27 - 29 February 2024 (Tue - Thu)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Empowering Language Education: When Corpus-Based Language Pedagogy Meets with AI 28 February 2024 - 2 May 2024 (Wed - Thu)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Responsible AI: Using Interactive Interfaces to Promote Accurate Calibration of Trust in AI Systems 1 March 2024 (Fri), 11:00am
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Hong Kong Second Language Acquisition Research Forum 2024 9 March 2024 (Sat), 9:15am - 4:15pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS ELTU Symposium 2024: Towards a Sustainable and Tran 7 – 8 June 2024 (Fri - Sat)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS TCCSL International Conference 2024: International Conference on Teaching and Learning Standard Chinese and Ca 13 – 14 June 2024 (Thu - Fri)
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「花⾬弦歌」六⼗周年系慶講座系列 - 漫談⾹港「董富記」與 上海「書隱樓」 17 February 2024 (Sat), 2:30pm - 4:30pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS Eileen Chang and Chinese Narrative Traditions 7 February 2024 (Wed), 4:30pm - 6:00pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 語⽂中⼼普通話講論會 — 「⽤中學」:任務型語⾔⽂化項⽬的 設計理念和實踐 26 February 2024 (Mon), 3:00pm - 4:30pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 傳統的建構與詮釋──第三屆⽂史研究⾹港⻘年學者論壇 2 March 2024 (Sun), 8:30am - 6:30pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 2024國學與漢學名家論壇 4 March 2024 (Mon), 10:30am – 12:00pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 論⾹港中⽂⼤學聯合書院通識「服務學習」課程之設計 4 March 2024 (Mon), 2:40pm - 4:00pm
31th (Feb 2024) CONFERENCES/ TALKS/ EVENTS 「花⾬弦歌」六⼗周年系慶講座系列 - ⼗九世紀廣州粵語⾳系 的重建及其演變 9 March 2024 (Sat), 2:30pm - 4:30pm
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Teaching Development Grants Applications for the staff development grant are accepted all year round, until the fund is exhausted.
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Communities of Practice (CoPs) Funding Open all year round
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Developing Online Courses/Blended Learning Initiatives with KEEP Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis, until the fund is exhausted.
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Quality Education Fund (QEF) Open all year round
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Matching Proof-of-Concept Fund (MPCF) Open all year round
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG) Application Deadline: 6 February 2024 (Tue)
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Collaborative Research Equipment Grant (CREG) & Collaborative Research Project Grant (CRPG) Application Deadline: 15 February 2024 (Thu)
31th (Feb 2024) GRANTS Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2024/25 Application Deadline: 15 February 2024 (Thu)