The Language Exchange Programme offers language and cultural exchange opportunities between international/exchange students and local/mainland students. You will be grouped and/or paired with a language partner to learn and to teach a language. You can also gain insights into cultural differences in language meetings.
How does it work?
What will you gain from this programme?
Who can join this programme?
How can you apply?
Frequently Asked Questions
I am on the waiting list. When and how will I know if I have a slot in the Language Exchange?
You will be informed by email as soon as possible. Please ensure that you check your email daily. Whether students on the waiting list can make it to the participating list depends on:
1) whether there are any drop outs and
2) whether you are reachable when the slot opens up (if you do not reply to us by the date specified in our email, the slot will be given to the next applicant on the waiting list).
(Tel.) 3411 8207 (Email)