
You are cordially invited to take part in the 18th English Short Story Writing Competition. The Regulations, Prizes and Procedures are as follows:


  1. All HKBU full-time undergraduate students*
  2. All HKBU full-time postgraduate students*

* Excluding students from the School of Continuing Education and College of International Education

Titles & Word Limit: Students must use ONE of the titles/story prompts provided and keep to a maximum of 7500 characters, including spaces.
NOTE: The word limit does NOT include the provided prompt.

Prizes for each category:

  • First Prize ($1,500 vouchers for purchasing apps, online courses, or books, plus a trophy)
  • Second Prize ($1,200 vouchers for purchasing apps, online courses, or books, plus a trophy)
  • Third Prize ($900 vouchers for purchasing apps, online courses, or books, plus a trophy)
  • Merit Prizes ($500 vouchers for purchasing apps, online courses, or books)
  • All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation at the award ceremony.

Selection Procedure: Winners are selected by a panel of judges from HKBU and an external expert judge.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2023

  • Mixed-mode Orientation (Rules of competition and submission guidelines): 4 December (Mon) 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Mixed-mode Short Story Writing Workshop 1 (Plot and Character): 11 December 2023 (Mon) 10:00 am – 12:00 nn
  • Mixed-mode Short Story Writing Workshop 2 (Language): 18 December 2023 (Mon) 10:00 am – 12:00 nn

Short Story Submission Deadline
8 January 2024
Note: Your attendance of the briefing section and the workshops is optional. The outcome of the competition is determined by the quality of your story.

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Demonstration of creativity and originality, expression of emotions, and development of characters and plot;
  2. Accuracy and variety of language, proper and effective use of vocabulary and dialogue.

Reminder on Plagiarism

Please be reminded that all works submitted will be subject to a plagiarism check. Contestants who submit plagiarised works will be disqualified from the contest.


Registration for Ceremony:  

External Expert Judge: Ms. Karen Cheung

Ms. Karen Cheung is a writer from Hong Kong. She is the author of The Impossible City: A Hong Kong Memoir. Her essays, reported features, and cultural criticism have appeared in the New York Times, Foreign Policy, New Statesman, The Rumpus, Evergreen Review, and elsewhere. She was formerly Associate Editor at Asia Art Archive.

Short Édition login page:
How to submit your story via SHORTEDITION:




  1. Submit your personal data via the online form by 1 December 2023
  2. Create an account on SHORTEDITION by 8 January 2023
  3. Submit your story via SHORTEDITION by 8 January 2023

Note: The submitted stories will not be shown on the ShortEdition until after the result announcement.


Public Lecture by External Expert Judge (Ms. Xu Xi)


Telephone: 3411 5841 / 3411 7193