
Putonghua/Chinese Speaking Enhancement Service

目的 / Aim

Putonghua/Chinese Speaking Enhancement Service aims at helping students to improve their Putonghua/Chinese speaking skills.

對象 / Target

所有由大學教育資助委員會資助 (UGC-funded) 的同學。
All UGC-funded* students or exchange students.

形式 Study Mode

One-to-one tutorial.

課時 Period

An one-hour meeting per week, four weeks in total.

課堂安排 / Teaching & Learning Arrangement

  1. 課堂上,導師會選取與學生日常生活、學習和工作相關的專題,例如: 旅遊、面試、社交等,讓同學通過個人短講、對話和小組討論等課堂活動,進行普通話說講和會話練習。
  2. 導師會根據每位同學的表現,從語音,詞彙和語法等方面給予個別指導。
Based on student’s needs, the teacher will choose different learning materials and design multiple learning activities (e.g., pronunciation drills, situational dialogues and short presentations).

預期學習成效 / Intended Learning Outcomes

Improve different language skills, especially speaking skills.

截止報名日期 / Deadline

2024年9月21日 (由於報名人數過多,本學期的普通話輔導服務報名已提前截止)
21 Sept 2024 (Due to the large number of applicants, registration for this semester’s PTH service has ended early.)

備註 / Remarks

  1. 請同學於報名後三個工作日內把一段約一分半鐘的自我介紹(普通話)錄音交到語文中心辦公室OEE1203或電郵至wangyi@hkbu.edu.hk
  2. 我們會在收到報名表格及錄音後,儘快為同學配對導師。成功獲配對的同學會收到電郵通知首次上課的日期、時間、地點。
  3. 經常無故缺課的同學會喪失再次參加改善普通話說講課的權利。

  1. Please hand in a recording to introduce yourself in Putonghua (1.5 mins.) to the General Office (OEE1203, Oen Hall Building, HSH Campus) or submit it via email to wangyi@hkbu.edu.hk within three working days after online registration.
  2. We will proceed with the matching process upon receipt of your registration form and recording. Successful applicants will receive an email about the date, time and venue of the first session.  
  3. If you miss appointments frequently without giving your tutor advance notice you may be barred from using the service in the future.

查詢 / Inquiry

如有查詢,請致電 3411-2732
Please feel free to call 3411-2732 for enquiries. For students who are not sure whether they are enrolled in UGC-funded undergraduate / exchange programmes, please send a copy of your Student ID Card by email to wangyi@hkbu.edu.hk for checking.