Mr YU Kam Hung, Leo

Lecturer I / e-Learning Coordinator

M.Sc. (IT in Education), The University of Hong Kong
M.A. (Applied Linguistics), The University of Birmingham
PCEd (English Major), The University of Hong Kong
B.A. (Hons.) (English Communication), City University of Hong Kong

Telephone: 3411 5803
Office: OEM902(F)


Leo obtained his first degree in English Communication. Later he received his first master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and the second master’s degree in Information Technology in Education. Afterwards, he got a Postgraduate Certificate in Education majoring in English Language Teaching.

After graduation in 1996, Leo joined the Language Centre of HKBU and was responsible for providing administrative support to the Centre. Besides, he was also required to undertake some special tasks such as ‘the Seminar on Language Enhancement sponsored by The University Grants Committee (UGC)’. After having served the Centre for one year, he went to the UK to further his study in 1997.

Leo re-joined the HKBU in 1999 and worked under the Dean of the Faculty of Arts to create a database containing academic journals related to the research interests of some academic departments in the Faculty. In July 1999, he joined the Language Centre again and has been working there since then. In addition to teaching credit and non credit-bearing courses, he served as IT Coordinator of the Centre from 2004 to 2012. He is now e-Learning Coordinator and Coordinator of various committees/functions.


  • Use of ICT in Education
  • Business English
  • Genre Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Language Testing


Professional Services

  • Editor, Research Studies in Education (Volume 6). Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 2008
  • Copy Editor, Reviewer and Member, Editorial Board. Research Studies in Education (Volume 5). Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 2007
  • Reviewer. Handbook of Research on Computer Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning, New York: IGI Publishing, 2007
  • Reviewer. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), 2006
  • Associate Editor & Reviewer. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge & Society, (Volume 1). Australia: Common Ground Publishing, 2005
  • Assistant Editor. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies. Hong Kong: Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University, 2003 to present
  • Assistant Editor & Cover Designer. Occasional Papers in Applied Language Studies. Hong Kong: Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University, 1997
  • Assistant Editor. Report of the Seminar on Seminar on Language Enhancement sponsored by The University Grants Committee (UGC). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 1997

Services at HKBU

  • Member, English Curriculum Development Committee (ECDC), Language Centre, 2014 to present
  • e-Learning Coordinator, Language Centre, 2014 to present
  • Coordinator, Teaching Data Management, Language Centre, 2012 to present
  • Member, Task Force for the Revamping of BUMoodle, coordinated by CHTL, 2010
  • Member, Academic Consultation Panel (ACP) Visit, Language Centre, 2010
  • IT/Lab Development Coordinator, Language Centre, 2008-2012
  • Member, Task Force for Plagiarism and Bibliographic Citation Software, coordinated by ITO and Library, 2007-2008
  • Coordinator, 2008-2009, Assistant Coordinator, 2007-2008, UGC One-off Language Enhancement Project Fund, Language Centre
  • Coordinator, LC Research Output Database System, 2006-2009
  • Coordinator, Research Assessment Exercise, Language Centre, 2006
  • Member, IT Committee, Arts Faculty, 2005-2012
  • IT Coordinator, Language Centre, 2004-2008
  • Publicity Officer and Master of Ceremonies at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, 3rd Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition (大學文學獎), co-organized by the Arts Faculty and the Language Centre, 2004-2005
  • Assistant IT Coordinator, Language Centre, 2003-2004
  • Interviewer, English Proficiency Course for Teachers (Listening), Language Centre, 2003
  • Elected LC Representative, Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union, 2002 to present
  • Interviewer, English Proficiency Course for Teachers (Reading), Language Centre, 2002-2003
  • Member, UGC Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review (TLQPR), Language Centre, 2002-2003
  • Member, Academic Consultation Panel (ACP) Visit, Language Centre, 2002-2003
  • Publicity Officer and Master of Ceremonies at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, 2nd Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition (大學文學獎), co-organized by the Arts Faculty and the Language Centre, 2002-2003
  • Chairman, Venue Committee and Member, Steering Committee, 7th English in Southeast Asia Conference, organized by the Language Centre, 2002
  • Venue Coordinator, Hospitality Committee. International Conference on ‘Culture, Communication and Language Pedagogy’, organized by the Language Centre, 2001
  • Publicity Officer and Master of Ceremonies at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, 1st Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition (大學文學獎), co-organized by the Arts Faculty and the Language Centre, 2000-2001
  • Coordinator, UGC Common Data Collection Exercise, Language Centre, 1999 to present
  • Treasurer, 2006-2010, Secretary, 1999-2006, Social Committee, Language Centre
  • Webmaster, Language Centre, 1998-1999, 2005-2006


Book Chapter

  • Yu, L., (2008) “Application of Online Questionnaires in Grammar Teaching: the design and implications for university students and teachers”, in F. Zhang and B. Barber, (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Computer Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning, Hershey: Information Science Reference (IGI Global), pp. 64-83

Journal Publication

  • Yu, L., (2006).”Inquiry into Student Strategies for Giving Feedback in an Online Collaborative Writing Classroom”, The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 1(6) pp. 137-145.

Conference Presentations

  • Yu, Leo. (2014). ‘Engaging Students in Active Participation in the English Classroom Using iQlickers’, paper presented at the ELTU Conference 2014, organized by the English Language Teaching Unit, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (5 June 2014). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo, Shroff, Ronnie, Chong, King and Stephen Cheung. (2013). ‘Use of iQlickers to Enhance the In-class Student Learning’, paper presented at the eLearning Forum Asia 2013, organized by Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University. Hong Kong. (29 May 2013). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2006). ‘Key Design Considerations for CALL Packages, From the Perspective of a Teacher Trainer’, paper presented at the Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference 2006, organized by Education and Manpower Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. (6-8 February 2006). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2006). ‘The Use of World Wide Web as a Concordancer in English Language Teaching’, paper presented at the Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference 2006, organized by Education and Manpower Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. (6-8 February 2006). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2005). ‘Inquiry into Student Strategies for Giving Feedback in an Online Collaborative Writing Classroom’, paper presented at the International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, University of California, Berkeley. (18-20 February 2005). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2005). ‘Supporting Grammar Teaching Through Web-based Questionnaires’, Selected Papers from the Inaugural CELC International Symposium, CELC, National University of Singapore, Singapore (3-4 June 2004) (pp. 65-79). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2004). ‘Achieving a Beneficial Backwash Effect in a Grammar Classroom: Some Skills and Methods’, paper presented at the IT in Education Symposium 2004, organised by CITE, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong. (10 July 2004). (Non-refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘From Writing to Critical Thinking: Pedagogy and Practice in the EAP Context’, Proceedings of Asia CALL International Conference 2003, Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand (2-5 December 2003) (pp.161-167). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘Using an Online Bulletin Board to Teach Academic Writing’. Proceedings of International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA’03). Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (31 July – 2 August 2003) (pp.466-471). (Refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘Investigating Student Interaction on the Internet: Methods and Skills’, paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2003 (CITERS2003), organised by CITE, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (5 July 2003). (Non-refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘Teaching Oral Presentation Skills by an Online Multi Media Assisted Language Learning Package: A Case Study’. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Universities in Asia. Thailand: Chulalongkorn University Press (pp.425-441). (Non-refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2002). ‘Investigating Student Feedback in Academic Writing: Methodologies and Implications’, paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium: IT in Education: Research into Practice. University of Hong Kong. (7 July 2002). (Non-refereed)
  • Yu, Leo. (2002). ‘Adopting an Online Multi Media Assisted Language Learning Package to Support an English for Academic Purpose (EAP) Course’, paper presented at the ITUA International Conference 2002, organised by Chulalongkorn University & The Asian Asso. of CALL, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (3-5 April 2002). (Non-refereed)

Seminar Presentations

  • 余鑑洪 (2015)。「教學分享──應用資訊科技在學生成績評核及防範剽竊上的應用」。語文中心中文講論會。2015年1月26日。
  • Lee, Gloria, and Yu, Leo. (2014). ‘Using iQlickers for Effective Peer Instruction’, seminar given at the Teaching and Learning Experience Sharing (TALES) (Session 1 in the eLearning Week), organized by the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University. (14 October 2014).
  • Yu, Leo. (2014). ‘Using iQlickers to Motivate Students’, Teaching Seminar given at the UGC LEG Consultant’s Visit to HKBU (English Section), organized by the Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (16 May 2014).
  • Yu, Leo. (2014). ‘The Use of eLearning Tools in an English Classroom’, seminar given at the Winners Visit of The Fourth SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest, organized by the Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (13 March 2014).
  • Yu, Leo. (2014). ‘Some Reflections on the Use of iQlickers to Motivate Students to Participate in the English Classroom’, seminar given at the Staff  Development Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (10 March 2014).
  • Yu, Leo. (2013). ‘Using eTools to Facilitate Teaching and Learning in a Language Class’, seminar given to the delegation from Waseda University and the Digital Campus Consortium, Visit of Waseda University, Japan, organized by the International Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (4 November 2013).
  • Chan, Chris, Yu, Leo, Shroff, Ronnie and Chong, King. (2013). Invited Speaker. ‘Using iQlickers to Enhance Student Learning’, seminar given at the Induction Programme for New Colleagues (Session 2: OBTL and Teaching & Learning) (Fall 2013), organized by CHTL, Hong Kong Baptist University. (21 August 2013).
  • Yu, Leo and Shroff, Ronnie. (2013). Invited Speaker. ‘Using iQlickers to Assess and Engage Student Learning’, seminar given at the Teaching and Learning Experience Sharing (TALES) Seminar Series 3, organized by CHTL, Hong Kong Baptist University. (27 February 2013).
  • Choe, Jenny, Lee, Joanne and Yu, Leo. (2012). ‘Some Effective Teaching Initiatives to Sustain Motivation in the Classroom’, seminar given at the Staff Development Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (24 September 2012).
  • Yu, Leo. (2010). ‘Some Tips on the Use of Moodle to Support Collaborative Learning’, seminar given at the Departmental Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (8 February 2010).
  • Yu, Leo and Lee, Ian. (2008). ‘How Could We Deal with Plagiarism?: Some Reflections on Previous Cases’, seminar given at the Departmental Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (18 Feb 2008).
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘The Role of ICT in Academic Writing: Past and Present’, seminar given at the Departmental Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (3 Nov 2003).
  • Yu, Leo. (2002). ‘The SWOT Analysis on Using an Online Self Access Learning Programme to Teach Oral Presentation Skills’, seminar given at the Departmental Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (6 May 2002).
  • Yu, Leo. (2002). ‘A New Way of Managing Your Class and Facilitating Collaborative Learning’, seminar given at the Staff Development Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (8 April 2002).
  • Yu, Leo. (2001). ‘Using WebCT to Promote and Facilitate Collaborative and Learner-centered Learning’, seminar given at the Departmental Seminar Series, The Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. (23 April 2001).


  • Man, Vicky and Yu, Leo. (2013). ‘Mock Government Joint Recruitment Exam (JRE) Part 2: Feedback Session on English Paper’, workshop organized by Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (26 November 2013).
  • Man, Vicky and Yu, Leo. (2013). ‘Preparation for CRE: Enhancing Your Performance in Use of English (Part 2) – More Coaching and Feedback to Individuals’, workshop organized by Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (27 September 2013).
  • Man, Vicky and Yu, Leo. (2013). ‘Preparation for CRE: Enhancing Your Performance in Use of English (Part 1) – Introduction of CRE English Paper and Related Strategies, workshop organized by Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (19 September 2013).
  • Yu, Leo. (2010). Invited Speaker. ‘Learn How to Submit Assignments and Understand How the Software Works to Detect Plagiarism!’, workshop given at The Learning Commons, The Library, Hong Kong Baptist University. (22 November 2010).
  • Man, Vicky and Yu, Leo. Invited Speaker. (2009). ‘成功搵好工— 整合「上莊經驗、履歷、求職信」要訣’, workshop given at “<學生幹事多元潛能提升系列—群英會2009>”, organized by Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (16 November 2009).
  • Yu, Leo. (2009). Invited Speaker. (2009). ‘How to Write Sponsorship Proposals for Student Activities (尋求贊助話咁易)’, workshop given at ”<學生幹事多元潛能提升系列> 群英高峰會2009暨嘉許典禮”, organized by Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (22 May 2009).
  • Yu, Leo. (2003). ‘Writing Clear Abstracts’, workshop given at the CITE Research Symposium 2003 (CITERS2003), organised by CITE, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (5 July 2003).
  • Yu, Leo. (1997). Workshop 4 “Issue in Funding”, Seminar on Language Enhancement, sponsored by The University Grants Committee (UGC). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. (Recording Secretary) (Jan. 1997)


  • Yu, L., (1999). A Database of Academic Journals in Applied Linguistics, Language Learning and Teaching, Philosophy and Religious Studies. Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • Yu, L., (1997). “Issue in Funding” (Workshop 4), Seminar on Language Enhancement, sponsored by The University Grants Committee (UGC). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. (Jan. 1997)
  • Yu, L., (1997). User’s Manual of Membership Information System 5.0. Hong Kong. (The system was designed for Wah Yan (HK) Past Students Association.)
  • Yu, L., So, E., & Ma, S., (1996). Undergraduate Admission Handbook. Department of Physics and Materials Science. City University of Hong Kong.
  • Yu, L., (1994). Quick Reference Guide to MS Word 2.0: Advanced Level. (for BAEPC, CityU).
  • Yu, L., (1994). Quick Reference Guide to MS Word 2.0: Higher Level. (for BAEPC, CityU).
  • Yu, L., (1994). Quick Reference Guide to MS Word 2.0: Intermediate Level. (for BAEPC, CityU).
  • Yu, L., (1994). Quick Reference Guide to MS Word 2.0: Elementary Level. (for BAEPC, CityU).


Credit-bearing courses

  • GCLA1008/1009 – University English I and II
  • LANG1491/1492 – English I and II
  • LANG1121/1122 – English for Academic Purposes (Arts & Social Sciences) 
  • LANG1140/1240 – English for Academic Purposes (Combined Science) 
  • LANG1210 – English for Academic Purposes (Chinese Medicine)*
  • LANG1120 – English Language Skills (for TOEFL) 

Non credit-bearning courses

  • LANG0036 – Writing Enhancement Course*
  • SUPE2610 – Intensive CRE Preparation Course (Use of English)*
  • SUPE2260 – English Grammar*
  • SUPE1290 – Business Writing*
  • LANG0010 – English Proficiency Course*
  • SUPE2002 – Honours Project Writing Course for Final Year Science Students
  • Undergraduate and Post-graduate Writing Enhancement Service
  • Writing Enhancement Service (Honours Project)
  • LANG0030 – English Bridging Course
  • SUPE2290 – IELTS Preparation Course (Reading and Writing)
  • SUPE2291 – Intensive IELTS Preparation Course (Reading and Writing)
  • SUPE2293 – Intensive IELTS Preparation Course (Writing Task 1)
  • SUPE2292 – Intensive IELTS Preparation Course (Writing Task 2)
  • General Education (English Lang.) for School of Chinese Medicine (Self-access part)

Workplace English (Adult Education)

  • Workplace English for Executive Officers (Minutes-taking)*

* donates also served in the capacity of Course Coordinator