Dr. Cissy LI (李贏西)

Head of Language Centre / Principal Lecturer

PhD in Applied Linguistics (Lancaster) 
M.A. in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) (Sydney)
Postgrat Dip in Applied Linguistics (Beijing UST)

Telephone: 3411 7497

Seeing students grow, not only cognitively, but also socially, emotionally and most important of all, morally, is extremely rewarding. I believe our mission as a teacher is to instill in the young mind of our students the right values, equip them with necessary skills, and inspire their quest for knowledge so that they will become responsible, capable, respectable and happy citizens. What they do and how they do it in the society will always be guided by their moral compass. As a teacher, we are in a particularly advantageous position to influence them. We can make it happen.


Understanding how rhetorical choices made by writers to (or failing to) achieve desired effects has always been fascinating to me. This understanding enables me to gain insights into how different facets of language achieve persuasion, present logic and project identities at textual, interactional and cultural levels. I am particularly interested in such achievement, presentation and projection in academic writings of both experienced and novice writers. My research interests are hence in the teaching and learning of academic writing, contrastive rhetoric, discourse analysis and disciplinary identity.



  1. PI of UGC Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities (IICA) project “Nurturing Global Citizenship Through English” (September 2022- August 2024). PI. Amount: $1,751,500.
  2. Co-PI of UGC Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning “Scholarship Platform for Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Age” (September 2021- January 2023). Co-PI. Amount: $1,700,000.
  3. Deputy Coordinator of FBL project: “A multi-modal Speaking App that introduces primary school pupils to the world of English poetry and intonation”. Amount: HK$2,699,280. (Sept 2019 – Aug 2022)
  4. Co-investigator of HKBU TDG project: A poetry corpus for English language teachers to deliver pronunciation teaching. Amount: HK$300,000. (September 2019 – February 2021)
  5. Principal investigator of HKBU TDG project: A Collaborative Instructional Approach to English Across the Curriculum. Amount: HK$268,665. (June 2019 – April 2021)
  6. Co-investigator of UGC-FSTL project “A Student-Tutor Writing Consultation Programme and Inter-institutional Writing Consultation Support System”. Amount: HK$3,467,930. (September 2017 – August 2019)
  7. Co-investigator of HKBU Community of Practice (CoP) project “A Head Start on Teacher Professional Learning Through Alumni Mentorship”. Amount: HK$500,000 (1 November 2017 –  31 August 2019)
  8. Principal investigator of HKBU TDG project “Peer Tutoring: towards the construction of a supported learning environment”. Amount: HK$199,956. (September 2016 – August 2017)
  9. Co-investigator of inter-university research project “The teaching of writing: enhancing persuasiveness with metadiscourse” (January 2016 – December 2017)
  10. Principal investigator of HKBU TDG project “Spoken Communication in Chinese Medicine” (2000 – 2001)
  11. Co-investigator of HKBU TDG project “Developing Independent learning Packages” (1997)

Donor-supported Project

  1. Service Learning for English Language Education under the donorship of Ms CHOW Sak Ying for Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School (September 2017 – Present), with Dr. Choi Tat Heung, Department of Education, HKBU.


  1. Recipient of the Faculty of Arts Service Award (2017)

Professional Services

  1. External Examiner for the English Language Centre, United International College, Zhu Hai, Hong Kong Baptist University. (From 2014 to Present)
  2. Member of the UGC TDLEG Language Enhancement Committee
  3. Reviewer of projects under UGC’s funding scheme for teaching and learning related proposals (invited by the UGC)
  4. Reviewer of the Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics


  1. Li, C. (2022). Designing an English for specific purposes programme to nurture global citizenship. The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education. Cambridge, UK, August 26-28, 2022 (via Zoom).
  2. Li, C. (2022). How better mentors mentor: A metadiscursive investigation of mentoring styles in teacher education. International Conference on Advances in Educational Sciences. July 28-29, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland (via Zoom).
  3. Li, C. (2021). A collaborative instructional approach to English in the discipline in higher education: a case from Hong Kong. The 25th PAAL international online conference. August 20, 2021(Korea Standard Time)
  4. Li, C, Della-Pietra, J. & Wong, L. (2021). Discrepancies in perceived challenges in English writing: do they matter? Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development Hub (HKCPD Hub) Conference – Higher education best practices-English teaching and learning in Hong Kong. The University of Hong Kong. January 7-9, 2021 via Zoom
  5. Li, C. & Wong, L. (2021). Effectiveness of a Peer Tutoring Programme on Academic Writing in Higher Education. The 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching- Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning. February 5-7, 2021 via Zoom
  6. Li, C. (2020). A cooperative and collaborative enterprise on a jointly owned site – Student tutors’ reflections. The 16th CamTESOL conference – 21st Century ELT: Approaches for Effective Practices, February7-9, 2020, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  7. Li, C. (2019). Peer tutoring in academic writing: a site of multiple tensions and negotiations. Wenzao English Forum: Teaching/Learning English as EAP/EAP-informed Approaches in the Age of Globalization. Dec 5-7, 2019, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  8. Li, C. (2019). Student tutor writing consultation as a credible alternative to teacher advising. Continuing Professional Development Symposium for Hong Kong University Language Centres 2019 Theme: Higher education best practices – English teaching and learning in Hong Kong. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 5 June, 2019.
  9. Li, C. (2019). To learn twice: university students service-learning experience in a secondary school. ELTU Conference: Alternative Approaches to English Language Learning and Teaching 2019. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 27-28 May, 2019.
  10. Chan, H. Li, C. & Choi, T. H. (2019). Sowing in the field: Mentoring through teacher alumni in a community of practice for English language education. Language in Focus 2019, Dubrovnic, Croatia, 2-6 May, 2019.
  11. Morrison, B, Chan, C. Li, C. Tong, K. & Legg, M. (2018). Hong Kong Association of Language Centres: Directors’ colloquium. English Across the Curriculum – How Hong Kong language centres address the logistics, challenges and opportunities. The 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 4-5 December, 2018.
  12. Li, C. (2018). Stylistic variations in peer-tutoring: a metadiscoursive perspective. The 16th Asia TEFL international Conference, The University of Macau, Macau, 27-29 June, 2018.
  13. Li, C (2017). “The best part is to learn with my tutee” – motivational issues in a peer writing tutoring programme. HKBU Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Symposium. HKBU, August 28, 2017.
  14. Li, C. (2017). Motivational benefits in cross-level one-to-one peer tutoring in English Academic writing – a case from Hong Kong. 2017 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning (ICEPL). Sapporo, Japan, 23-25 August, 2017
  15. Li, C & Ngai, J. (2017). Challenges and issues in academic writing: perspectives from peer tutors. The CAES International Conference 2017 at the University of Hong Kong. 1-3 June, 2017
  16. Ho, V. & Li, C. (2016). University freshmen’s attempts at persuasion: the use of metadiscourse in timed argumentative essays. 11th Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 9-10 December, 2016
  17. Li. C. (2015). Logic of students’ writing: findings and suggestions. Staff Development Seminar Series, Language Center, HKBU. 15 September, 2015
  18. Li, C. (2014). Our students are illogical” – exploring students’ misuse of logical connectors at Hong Kong tertiary level. ELC Writing Round Table – innovations in developing writers beyond the language classroom. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 26 May, 2014.
  19. LI, C. (2013). Tutoring in a writing center in Hong Kong. ELC Writing Round Table – exploring multiple perspectives in creative and academic writing. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 24 May, 2013.
  20. Li, C. (2011). Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different in their philosophical origins: collective disciplinary identity behaviour in academic texts. Sixth International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 8-10 September, 2011
  21. Li, C. Chan, H. and Chan, O. (2010). Evaluation of MyAccess for Hong Kong Tertiary Students, ELC Symposium, The Challenges of the 4-year Curriculum for English Language Centres in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (02, June, 2010)
  22. Li, C., Chan, H. and Chan, O. (2010). Your access or my access? Staff Development Seminar of the LC, HKBU (March, 2010)
  23. Li, C. (2008). Genre features and disciplinary identity. Inaugural conference of Asia pacific rim LSP and specific and professional purposes (8-10 December, 2008)
  24. Li, C. (2009). Moves and Steps and beyond – genre and disciplinary identity of Chinese medicine. HKBU Language Center Departmental Seminar, HKBU
  25. Li, C. (2007) Collocation and disciplinary Identity – an investigation of the collocates of an identity marker Zhong-yi in Chinese medicine research articles. International Conference on Discourse and Identity in Specialized Communication, Milan, Italy.(24-26 June, 2007)
  26. Li, C. (2007). The disciplinary identity behaviour in the closing parts of selected Chinese medicine academic articles. Post-graduate Students Conference, Lancaster University, UK. (9 August, 2006)
  27. Li, C. (2003). Intranslatability in data collection in a cross-culture context. Data and Theory Colloquium, Lancaster University, UK. (11 July, 2003)


  1. Wang, S., Li, C. & Yu, W. K. (2023). Assessing the quality of reference books on the English writing examination in Hong Kong: How can an evaluation checklist help? TESOL Journal. 14(2)
  2. Li, C. (2023). Investigating the tensions and negotiations on the site of peer tutoring in second language writing in higher education. System. 113.10289
  3. Li, C. (in press). Student tutor writing consultation service as a credible alternative to teacher advising. In Wong, L. (Ed), Best Practices in Teaching of Academic English in Hong Kong. Routledge.
  4. Li, C. (2023). Tutor reflections on peer tutoring in second language writing in higher education. OASIS Summary of Li, C. (2023) in System
  5. Li, C. (2022). A Collaborative Instructional Approach to English Across the Curriculum. Studies on Teaching and Learning Vol.5. Pearson.
  6. Wang, S. & Li, C. (2022). Personalization vs. standardization: digitalizing feedback on written assignments in freshman English courses in Hong Kong. In Pun J. & Curle, S. (Eds), The use of technology in English medium education. Springer
  7. Ho, V. & Li, C. (2020). Achieving a Better Understanding of Writer-reader Interaction in Academic Discourse: the Metadiscourse-Stance-Participation Framework. In Selected Papers from the Twenty-ninth International Symposium on English Teaching「第二十九屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集」(pp. 58-73). Taipei: Crane Publishing Company
  8. Ho, V & Li, C (2018). “The Use of Metadiscourse and Persuasion: An Analysis of First Year University Students’ Timed Argumentative Essays” Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Vol. 33, pp. 53-68.
  9. Li, C & Ngai, J. (2018). Challenges and issues in academic writing Perspectives from peer tutors. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 104-116.
  10. Li, C (2014). The reflexive self in personal and disciplinary identity construction in academic texts. Book review of “Disciplinary identities: individuality and Community in Academic Discourse by Ken Hyland” CUP, 2012, American Anthropologist. Vol. 116 (4).
  11. Li, C (2014). The difference between “in accordance with” and “according to”. On Campus HKBU Staff Newsletter. 2014
  12. Li, C. (2009). The Study of disciplinary identity – some theoretical underpinnings. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies of HKBU. Vol. 13.
  13. Li, C. (2009). Communication in Chinese medicine. Studies on Teaching and Learning. Vol 1.
  14. Li, C. (2009). The study of disciplinary identity: some theoretical underpinnings HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, Vol 13 (80-119).
  15. Li, C (2007). Collocation and disciplinary identity: an investigation of the collocates of a disciplinary identity marker Zhong-yi in Chinese medicine research articles. Discourse and Identity in Specialized Communication Conference Proceeding, Milan, Italy.
  16. Li, C (2005). Potential reaction to cultural metaphors: Chinese conception of health. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies. Vol. 8.
  17. Li, C. (2002). How are Chinese medicine reports received by an English speaker? HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies. Vol. 5.
  18. Li, C (2002). Spoken communication in Chinese Medicine -a VCD, jointly produced with ITSC and the Language Center of HKBU
  19. Mak B. Li, C & Yin M. (1998) Developing Worksheet Materials for a Self-Access Language Learning Center. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, Vol. 3.


Credit courses

  • MCCP7002 – Advanced English for Academic purposes for Postgraduate Students
  • UCLC1008 / GCLA1008 – University English I (Coordinator 2012-2014)
  • UCLC1009  / GCLA1009 – University English II
  • LANG1210 – English for Academic purposes (Chinese Medicine) (Coordinator 2000-2006)
  • LANG0010 – English Proficiency Course
  • LANG0120 – English Language Skills (Computer-based TOEFL) (Coordinator)
  • LANG0140 – English Language Skills (Speaking and Listening)
  • LANG0150 – English Language Skills (Listening and Speaking) (Intermediate) (Coordinator)
  • LANG0160 – English Language Skills (Listening and Speaking) (Advanced) (Coordinator)

Language Enhancement programme (LEP) (Coordinator 2013-2016)

LEP Non-credit courses

  • LANG0036 – The Writing Enhancement Course
  • SUPE1080 – Honours Project Writing Course (Business)
  • SUPE1070 – Honours Project Writing Course (Social Sciences)
  • SUPE1110 – A Preparation Course for Common Recruitment Examination of the SAR Government
  • SUPE1020 – English Pronunciation
  • SUPE2240 – IELTS Preparation Course (Listening and Speaking)
  • IELTS Preparation Courses (Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading)
  • The Writing Enhancement Programme (Coordinator 1999-2013)
  • The Speaking and Writing Enhancement Service (SWES)
  • The Bridging Course

Other courses / programmes

  • CRE & JRE Workshops
  • English for Bachelor of Chinese Medicine Bridging Programme
  • Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English Preparation Course (LPATE) (Reading and Writing) (Summer course)